[liberationtech] NEW SITE: SeeClickFix

Andrew Clark andrewrclark at mac.com
Sat Apr 17 18:44:06 PDT 2010


You may also want to look at the work of Antoni Abad at http://www.zexe.net/ who has being doing this sort of work since 2003. Also this resource from tacticaltech http://www.tacticaltech.org/mapsforadvocacy  . Also the ppgis work is very useful if you are interested in this area.

Out of interest is any one else on this list doing work in this are of crowd sourcing / ubiquitous observation / citizen 2.0  / mobile observation or what ever you want to call it. I am currently a PhD student at University of NSW where I am looking at trailing ways older people and people with disabilities can use similar strategies to map social inclusion via built environment.

While I am on constant look out for similar projects to inform my work and exchange ideas, I have often hard to find a conference or discussion forum where other people are doing similar work. Does any one know of any ? 


Andrew Clark

On 18/04/2010, at 7:37 AM, Morgen Peers wrote:

> FYI the Ushahidi team is in Miami right now
> On 2010-04-17, at 17:28, Ashni Mohnot <ashni.mohnot at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here's one for crowdsourcing crisis information that might be of interest to people on this list: http://www.ushahidi.com/
>> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Yishay Mor <yishaym at gmail.com> wrote:
>> www.fixmystreet.com/ have been doing it for years..
>> ___________________________
>>  Yishay Mor, London Knowledge Lab
>>   http://www.lkl.ac.uk/people/mor.html
>> On 13 April 2010 14:53, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Usually, Gov 2.0 deals mainly with outward transparency of government to the citizens. But SeeClickFix is trying to drive data in the other direction, letting citizens report and track neighborhood problems as mundane as potholes, and as serious as drug dealers. In a recent interview, co-founder Jeff Blasius talked about how cities such as New Haven and Tucson are using SeeClickFix to involve their citizens in identifying and fixing problems with city infrastructure. 'We have thousands of potholes fixed across the country, thousands of pieces of graffiti repaired, streetlights turned on, catch basins cleared, all of that basic, broken-windows kind of stuff. We've seen neighborhood groups form based around issues reported on the site. We've seen people get new streetlights for their neighborhood, pedestrian improvements in many different cities, and all-terrain vehicles taken off of city streets. There was also one case of an arrest. The New Haven Police Department attributed initial reports on SeeClickFix to a sting operation that led to an arrest of two drug dealers selling heroin in front of a grammar school.'
>> http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/04/12/1944254/Crowdsourcing-the-Department-of-Public-Works
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>> Ashni Mohnot
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