[liberationtech] NEW SITE: SeeClickFix

Ashni Mohnot ashni.mohnot at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 14:28:32 PDT 2010

Here's one for crowdsourcing crisis information that might be of interest to
people on this list: http://www.ushahidi.com/

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Yishay Mor <yishaym at gmail.com> wrote:

> www.fixmystreet.com/ have been doing it for years..
> ___________________________
>  Yishay Mor, London Knowledge Lab
>   http://www.lkl.ac.uk/people/mor.html
> On 13 April 2010 14:53, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
>> *Usually, Gov 2.0 deals mainly with outward transparency of government to
>> the citizens. But SeeClickFix is trying to drive data in the other
>> direction, letting citizens report and track neighborhood problems<http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/04/crowdsourcing-the-dpw.html> as
>> mundane as potholes, and as serious as drug dealers. In a recent interview,
>> co-founder Jeff Blasius talked about how cities such as New Haven and Tucson
>> are using SeeClickFix to involve their citizens in identifying and fixing
>> problems with city infrastructure. 'We have thousands of potholes fixed
>> across the country, thousands of pieces of graffiti repaired, streetlights
>> turned on, catch basins cleared, all of that basic, broken-windows kind of
>> stuff. We've seen neighborhood groups form based around issues reported on
>> the site. We've seen people get new streetlights for their neighborhood,
>> pedestrian improvements in many different cities, and all-terrain vehicles
>> taken off of city streets. There was also one case of an arrest. The New
>> Haven Police Department attributed initial reports on SeeClickFix to a sting
>> operation that led to an arrest of two drug dealers selling heroin in front
>> of a grammar school.'**
>> http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/04/12/1944254/Crowdsourcing-the-Department-of-Public-Works
>> *
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Ashni Mohnot
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