[liberationtech] [Fwd: [Air-L] Fwd: <nettime> How you can help the bang.Lab and EDT]

Eric P. S. Baumer ebaumer at ics.uci.edu
Mon Apr 5 09:59:29 PDT 2010

this series of events seemed like it might be of potential interest to 
this list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Air-L] Fwd: <nettime> How you can help the bang.Lab and EDT
From: jeremy hunsinger <jhuns at vt.edu>
To: aoir list <air-l at aoir.org>
Date: Mon Apr  5 07:54:15 2010
> from nettime.  
> banglab is related to the electronic disturbance theater.
>> Please pass this on!
>> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/04/how-you-can-help-the-bang-lab-and-edt/
>> There are two main ways you can show support at this time. Thank you all
>> for the signatures! The showing of support from around the world will
>> surely help our case and hopefully demonstrate to the UCOP how difficult
>> it is going to be for them to continue this repression of us.
>> Now, here's what you can do to help:
>> 1. Write a letter expressing your concerns about this issue, supporting
>> our research, calling for an end to the investigations and an end to the
>> harassment of Ricardo Dominguez and bang.lab/EDT members to:
>> "Kester, Grant" <gkester at ucsd.edu>, "Larsen, Kristina" <klarsen at ucsd.edu>,
>> "Lerer, Seth" <slerer at ucsd.edu>, "Lawrence.Pitts at ucop.edu"
>> <Lawrence.Pitts at ucop.edu>, "Rosen, Amy" <arosen at ucsd.edu>, "SVC Academic
>> Affairs" <SVCAA at ucsd.edu>, "Ricardo Dominguez" <rrdominguez at ucsd.edu>
>> Please send your letters by April 7th, 2010!
>> 2. Please come to UCSD on April 8th at 10:30am and show your support with
>> a rally outside of the meeting between Ricardo Dominguez and the Vice
>> Chancellor. As of now, we think the meeting will be in Grant Kester's
>> office, Mandevilla 209, on the 2nd floor. A map to the Mandeville building
>> is here: http://visarts.ucsd.edu/node/view/495/ The vice-chancellor needs
>> to know how broad and determined the support for Ricardo is! Let's fill
>> the courtyard, the stairs and the first floor open area! Please come and
>> bring friends! The Vice Chancellor is pushing to have the meeting at his
>> office on North Torrey Pines road, so please check back at
>> http://bang.calit2.net for updates on April 7th!
>> More background information about what this is all about here:
>> http://bang.calit2.net/2010/03/bang-lab-edt-update-call-for-accountability-and-the-criminalization-of-research/
>> Thank you for your support,
>>   micha cárdenas, b.a.n.g. lab member and Lecturer in Visual Arts
>> --
>> micha cárdenas
>> Lecturer, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
>> Artist/Researcher, Experimental Game Lab, http://experimentalgamelab.net
>> Calit2 Researcher, http://bang.calit2.net
>> blog: http://transreal.org
>> -- 
>> micha cárdenas / azdel slade
>> Lecturer, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
>> Artist/Researcher, Experimental Game Lab, http://experimentalgamelab.net
>> Calit2 Researcher, http://bang.calit2.net
>> blog: http://transreal.org
> jeremy hunsinger
> Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
> Virginia Tech
> Information Ethics Fellow, Center for Information Policy Research, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (www.cipr.uwm.edu)
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