[liberationtech] Fwd: [dschool-teachingteams] BOP Talk by Suchitra Shenoy Mon 11/16!

Terry Winograd winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Fri Nov 13 14:52:39 PST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erica Estrada <eestrada at stanford.edu>
Date: Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 1:10 PM
Subject: [dschool-teachingteams] BOP Talk by Suchitra Shenoy Mon 11/16!
To: Dschool Fulltime <dschool-fulltime at lists.stanford.edu>,
extreme09 at lists.stanford.edu, dsocialelab_teams at lists.stanford.edu,
dsocialelab at lists.stanford.edu, dschool-students <
dschool-students at lists.stanford.edu>,
dschool-teachingteams at lists.stanford.edu
Cc: Suchitra_Shenoy at monitor.com, Stuart Coulson <stuart at ticoulson.net>,
Sarah Stein Greenberg <steingreenberg at gmail.com>

Hi All,

Please come joins us *at the d.school on **Monday, November 16 at Noon* for
a talk with *Suchitra Shenoy*.

Suchitra Shenoy is a senior consultant, at Monitor Inclusive Markets, a team
within the Monitor Group
that works on '*market based solutions for social change*'. Her talk will be
based on the insights garnered by the team over the past three years in

India has about 400-500 million low income people who are not adequately
benefiting from the economic boom. For most of them, basic services like
healthcare, sanitation and education are still largely inadequate.While the
government is trying to help these poorer segments, progress has been slow.
The NGO sector, although broad-based and active, is dominated by small
organizations that have yet to reach the scale needed to create significant
social impact. Monitor therefore works on an interesting potential route to
development — *market-based solutions. *The Inclusive Markets team works on
understanding the business models of market-based solutions and then driving
select, meritorious solutions towards achieving scale and commercial
viability, thereby bolstering social and economic progress.

Bring your lunch & curiosity!  Ms. Shenoy has found us by way of Sarah Stein
Greenberg, so this is sure to be a GREAT talk!  Please send me a quick note
back if you're interested in attending.  We will gather in the kitchen, but
might move to a bigger venue if necessary.  :)


PS Please feel free to forward to other in the community that might be

Erica D. Estrada
Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford
650.387.1595 (m)

dschool-teachingteams mailing list
dschool-teachingteams at lists.stanford.edu
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