[liberationtech] Rebele Panel on New Media and Politics -- May 14th 2-4pm
Terry Winograd
winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Mon May 4 13:51:13 PDT 2009
*the department of communication presents*
* *
*Rebele Panel on New Media and Political Communication*
*2:00-4:00pm Thursday | May 14*
*Mendenhall Library | McClatchy Hall*
*450 Serra mall | Stanford University*
OVER THE LAST DECADE, scholars have argued that enormous changes have taken
place in the political process and public sphere. The ubiquity of digital,
networked communications technologies has reshaped the spaces where citizens
come together to debate issues of public concern, how political
organizations communicate with voters, and the collective action of social
movements, advocacy groups, and networks of citizens. Amid these changes, a
startling range of pronouncements on the future of democracy has ensued.
For some scholars, digital technologies promise nothing less than the
realization of participatory democracy and a realignment of political power,
as information costs fall dramatically affording new ways of producing
culture and knowledge and acting collectively. For others, digital media
enable the powerful to dominate civil society and the public sphere given
new tools for surveillance and the micro-targeting of political
communication. Finally, some scholars look to the ways that new media
amplify existing patterns of an exclusionary political debate through a
sociotechnical infrastructure that rewards those most informed, popular, and
wealthy among us.
This panel will present a range of perspectives on the social and symbolic
action afforded by new media in the realm of politics. Some of the key
questions addressed by panelists will include: what are the new forms of
networked, collective action? Who are the key actors (individuals,
organizations, and networks) in the practice of politics online? What are
the historical sources of new media political practices and the digital
repertoires of social collectives? And, how should we think about the
production of contemporary political culture and the implications for
A number of scholars will come together to discuss these issues whose work
draws from a variety of disciplines, including Communication, Political
Science, Sociology, Science, Technology, and Society, Anthropology, and
Computer Science. At the same time, their empirical inquiry focuses on very
different sites, all of which provide insight into these questions.
*panelists include:*
*Matthew Hindman* <http://www.matthewhindman.com/>* Assistant Professor of
Political Science | Arizona State University*
*Philip Howard* <http://faculty.washington.edu/pnhoward/index.html>*
Associate Professor | Department of Communication | University of
*Daniel Kreiss* <http://www.stanford.edu/%7Edkreiss/>* Ph.D. Candidate |
Department of Communication | Stanford University*
*Steven Weber* <http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/faculty/Weber.html>*
Professor of Political Science | Director of the Institute of International
Studies | University of California at Berkeley*
*moderated by **Fred
* Assistant Professor | Department of Communication | Stanford University*
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