[liberationtech] Social Networks Spread Defiance Online

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jun 16 16:33:57 PDT 2009


June 16, 2009
Social Networks Spread Defiance Online

As the embattled government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appears
to be trying to limit Internet access and communications in Iran, new
kinds of social media are challenging those traditional levers of
state media control and allowing Iranians to find novel ways around
the restrictions.

Iranians are blogging, posting to Facebook and, most visibly,
coordinating their protests on Twitter, the messaging service. Their
activity has increased, not decreased, since the presidential election
on Friday and ensuing attempts by the government to restrict or censor
their online communications.

On Twitter, reports and links to photos from a peaceful mass march
through Tehran on Monday, along with accounts of street fighting and
casualties around the country, have become the most popular topic on
the service worldwide, according to Twitter’s published statistics.

A couple of Twitter feeds have become virtual media offices for the
supporters of the leading opposition candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi.
One feed, mousavi1388 (1388 is the year in the Persian calendar), is
filled with news of protests and exhortations to keep up the fight, in
Persian and in English. It has more than 7,000 followers.

Mr. Moussavi’s fan group on Facebook has swelled to over 50,000
members, a significant increase since election day.

Labeling such seemingly spontaneous antigovernment demonstrations a
“Twitter Revolution” has already become something of a cliché. That
title had been given to the protests in Moldova in April.

But Twitter is aware of the power of its service. Acknowledging its
role on the global stage, the San Francisco-based company said Monday
that it was delaying a planned shutdown for maintenance for a day,
citing “the role Twitter is currently playing as an important
communication tool in Iran.”

Twitter users are posting messages, known as tweets, with the term
#IranElection, which allows users to search for all tweets on the
subject. On Monday evening, Twitter was registering about 30 new posts
a minute with that tag.

One read, “We have no national press coverage in Iran, everyone should
help spread Moussavi’s message. One Person = One Broadcaster.

The Twitter feed StopAhmadi calls itself the “Dedicated Twitter
account for Moussavi supporters” and has more than 6,000 followers. It
links to a page on the photo-hosting site Flickr that includes dozens
of pictures from the rally on Monday in Tehran.

The feed Persiankiwi, which has more than 15,000 followers, sends
users to a page in Persian that is hosted by Google and, in its only
English text, says, “Due to widespread filters in Iran, please view
this site to receive the latest news, letters and communications from
Mir Hussein Moussavi.”

Some Twitter users were also going on the offensive. On Monday
morning, an antigovernment activist using the Twitter account
“DDOSIran” asked supporters to visit a Web site to participate in an
online attack to try to crash government Web sites by overwhelming
them with traffic.

By Monday afternoon, many of those sites were not accessible, though
it was not clear if the attack was responsible — and the Twitter
account behind the attack had been removed. A Twitter spokeswoman said
the company had no connection to the deletion of the account.

The crackdown on communications began on election day, when
text-messaging services were shut down in what opposition supporters
said was an attempt to block one of their most important organizing
tools. Over the weekend, cellphone transmissions and access to
Facebook and some other Web sites were also blocked.

Iranians continued to report on Monday that they could not send text messages.

But it appears they are finding ways around Big Brother.

Many Twitter users have been sharing ways to evade government
snooping, such as programming their Web browsers to contact a proxy —
or an Internet server that relays their connection through another

Austin Heap, a 25-year-old information technology consultant in San
Francisco, is running his own private proxies to help Iranians, and is
advertising them on Twitter. He said on Monday that his servers were
providing the Internet connections for about 750 Iranians at any one

“I think that cyber activism can be a way to empower people living
under less than democratic governments around the world,” he said.

Global Internet Freedom Consortium, an Internet proxy service with
ties to the banned Chinese spiritual movement Falun Gong, offers
downloadable software to help evade censorship. It said its traffic
from Iran had tripled in the last week.

Shiyu Zhou, founder of the organization, has no idea how links to the
software spread within Iran. “In China we have sent mass e-mails, but
nothing like in Iran,” he said. “The Iranian people actually found out
by themselves and have passed this on by word of mouth.”

Jonathan Zittrain, a professor at Harvard Law School who is an expert
on the Internet, said that Twitter was particularly resilient to
censorship because it had so many ways for its posts to originate —
from a phone, a Web browser or specialized applications — and so many
outlets for those posts to appear.

As each new home for this material becomes a new target for
censorship, he said, a repressive system faces a game of whack-a-mole
in blocking Internet address after Internet address carrying the
subversive material.

“It is easy for Twitter feeds to be echoed everywhere else in the
world,” Mr. Zittrain said. “The qualities that make Twitter seem inane
and half-baked are what make it so powerful.”

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