[liberationtech] The Technology Liberation Front

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 13:58:41 PDT 2009

About the Technology Liberation Front <http://techliberation.com/>

[image: jobs About the Technology Liberation Front]There was a time, not
long ago, when politicians promised to keep their “Hands off the Net.”
Regrettably, that time passed quickly and governments have their hands all
over the Internet today. It’s difficult to name an area or issues where
policymakers are not currently promulgating or considering rules and
regulations for the Internet and related sectors and technologies.

We at the TLF aim to report on—and hopefully help to reverse—this dangerous
trend of over-regulation of the Internet, communications, media and
high-technology in general. We aim to be a full-service technology policy
blog that covers complete gamut of public policy issues affecting the future
of the Internet and technology.

To accomplish this, we have brought together several libertarian-minded
analysts working in the field of technology policy to analyze and critique
the important developments of the day. We will not hide our love of liberty
on this site and we will take every opportunity to castigate those who call
for expanding the reach of government into these fields. Our battle cry, to
paraphrase William Wallace: “We Fight for Tech Freedom!”

We hope you enjoy the site and will pass word on to friends who might also
be interested in coming here and discussing these issues with us.

Viva la (Technology) Revolution!
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