[liberationtech] Fwd: Opportunity: ECD Program Manager, The Earth Institute/Fundacion ALAS

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jan 22 00:54:45 PST 2009

fyi -- from my adviser's (Jeff Sachs') assistant...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cindy Paladines <cpaladines at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 11:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: Opportunity: ECD Program Manager, The Earth
Institute/Fundacion ALAS

Hi Yosem,

I hope this email find you well. Would you be able to pass along the
following announcement to the relevant listservs?


The Earth Institute urgently seeks to hire an Early Childhood Development
(ECD) Program Manager and Technical Advisor for joint program with Fundacion
Alas and several Latin American governments. Please contact Cindy at
cpaladines at ei.columbia.edu should you wish to obtain more information about
the position.


*Early Childhood Development (ECD) Program Manager/Technical Advisor*

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*Position Title*: Early Childhood Development Program Manager/ Technical
Advisor – a consultancy in the Office of the Director at the Earth Institute

This position is a two-year full-time appointment with the possibility of

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*Program Description*

The Earth Institute, in partnership with Fundación ALAS and the governments
of several countries in Latin America, will design, implement, and evaluate
a comprehensive ECD program across several sites in Latin America, and play
a critical role in designing a broader government policy agenda in this
domain. The project stems from the coordinating role played by ALAS and the
Earth Institute in fomenting discussion and action in the area of ECD in
Latin America. This work culminated in the development of a 'Plan to Action
on ECD', formally presented to the governments assembled at the XVIII
Iberoamerican Summit in San Salvador. The plan received especially strong
support from the governments of Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Honduras,
and El Salvador, who have pledged to become strong partners in the
development of a new ECD agenda.

*Tasks and Responsibilities of the ECD Program Manager*

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The ECD Program Manager will manage the programmatic and scientific content
of the ECD Program across more than five Latin American countries, and link
these efforts to broader initiatives within the Earth Institute and other
potential partner organizations. Primary responsibilities will include, but
are not limited to:

Ø  Develop a comprehensive study protocol, policy strategy, and conceptual
framework for the development and assessment of an ECD program in key
partner countries

Ø  Collect national and regional indicators, measures and targets and
contribute to coordination efforts across sectors in the development of a
comprehensive statistical database on ECD

Ø  Contribute to academic dialogue on ECD by developing papers that
highlight best-practice, define strategy, and develop effective
public-private financing models for ECD programs in Latin America

Ø  Assemble a team of experts in ECD to refine policy and strategy as part
of an ECD Regional Working Group

Ø  Work closely with Fundación ALAS in liaising with the appropriate
government leadership in partner/pilot countries throughout Latin America

Ø  Contribute towards dissemination and utilisation of the results of the
ECD program by engaging with governments, donor organizations and the
scientific community via program reports, policy-briefs, conference
abstracts and peer-reviewed publications

*Key Qualifications*

The incumbent should have demonstrated experience developing strategy and
managing relevant early childhood development programs within Latin America.
An appropriate candidate will have worked on collaborative projects that
have involved multiple partners and stakeholders, including governments,
NGOs, and academic institutions. The appropriate candidate should also have
demonstrated experience that highlights their ability to work independently
and be detail-oriented in a fast-paced, constantly evolving environment.

An advanced, research oriented degree in Economics or Political Economy is
preferred; a PhD in these fields is strongly recommended.

Fluency in Spanish and English is required.

This position will report directly to the Director of the Earth Institute
and the Director of ALAS.

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Cindy E. Paladines
MPA/ID 2008

cpaladines at ei.columbia.edu

Cindy E. Paladines
MPA/ID 2008

cpaladines at ei.columbia.edu
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