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Mon Jan 19 16:52:02 PST 2009

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Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 21:06:29 +0100
From: richard.ling at telenor.com
To: mobile-society at googlegroups.com

Hello all,

Along with Heather Horst, we are putting together a special issue of New
Media and Society on Mobile Communication and the Developing World. The Call
for Papers is reproduced below.

Rich L.

The Ning address is:

Call for papers

Special issue of New Media and Society:
Mobile Communication and the Developing World

Rich Ling & Heather A. Horst, guest editors
We are seeking papers for a special edition of the journal New Media &
Society focusing on mobile communication and media, and its impact on the
developing world. We are interested in papers that empirically describe the
use of mobile practices as well as the convergence of mobile and other
platforms in the developing world (e.g. Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern
Europe or other locations in the "global south"). Successful papers will
examine the integration and use of mobile communication technology and its
implications (both positive and negative) in individuals' lives. We are
seeking papers that investigate the global as well as the local
appropriations of mobile media use and its relationship to social change
and/or development. Papers might address issues such as:

*       What are the social, cultural, gender related and political
dimensions of mobile communication in the developing world?
*       What are the determinants, obstacles and implications of the
adoption and use of mobile communications?
*       What are the dimensions of inequalities and how does mobile
communication address these inequalities?
*       How does mobile communication facilitate activities such as care
giving, coordination, social cohesion, money transfer, commerce, locally and
Submissions may be in the form of empirical research studies or
theory-building papers and should be 5000 - 7000 words (in English). Papers
must reflect new scholarship and not have been previously published (it is
possible to submit revised conference papers). Authors interested in
submitting to the special issue should send their 200-word abstract to
either guest editor (Rich Ling or Heather Horst) on or before 1 March 2009.
 A sub-set of these abstracts will be selected for further development.
Papers based on the abstracts that have been accepted for further
consideration, will be due on 15 July 2009. Authors of papers selected for
formal review may be invited to participate in a Pre-Conference Workshop at
Association of Internet Research meetings on 7 October 2009 in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin USA.

About the editors of this NM&S special issue:

Rich Ling (richard.ling at telenor.com<mailto:richard.ling at telenor.com>) is a
sociologist at Telenor's research institute located near Oslo, Norway, and a
guest Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. He has also been the
Pohs visiting professor of communication studies at the University of
Michigan. He is the author of the recently published book New Tech, New
Ties: How Mobile communication is reshaping social cohesion as well as The
Mobile Connection: The cell phone's impact on society, and along with Scott
Campbell he is the editor of The Reconstruction of Space and Time Through
Mobile Communication Practices. For the past fifteen years, he has worked in
the research arm of Telenor and has been active in researching issues
associated with new information communication technology and society with a
particular focus on mobile telephony.

Heather A. Horst (hhorst at uci.edu<mailto:hhorst at uci.edu>) is a sociocultural
anthropologist at the Humanities Research Institute at the University of
California, Irvine. She is the co-author (with Daniel
Miller) of The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of Communication that examines
the implications of mobile phones for development in Jamaica and is
co-author with Mizuko Ito, et al. of a forthcoming book published by MIT
Press, entitled Hanging Out, Messing Around and Geeking Out: Living and
Learning with New Media  She received her Ph. D. in Social Anthropology from
University College London. Before joining UCHRI, she worked as a research
fellow at the University of the West Indies and University College London
and a postdoctoral scholar at University of Southern California, and
University of California, Berkeley where her focus has been on the
appropriation of new media and communication technologies in Jamaica and the
United States.
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