[liberationtech] Developing the Good Citizen * 4:15PM, Wed February 25, 2009 in Gates B01 (fwd)

Todd Davies davies at csli.stanford.edu
Thu Feb 19 10:23:15 PST 2009

              Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
                4:15PM, Wednesday, February 25, 2009
         HP Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building B01

Topic:    Developing the Good Citizen
           Digital artifacts, peer networks, and formal organizations in
           contemporary political campaigning

Speaker:  Daniel Kreiss
           Department of Communication, Stanford University

About the talk:

This talk addresses the technical infrastructures, political
institutions, and social practices that shape the contemporary
electoral process in the United States. I provide a theoretical
overview of the role of artifacts in shaping the practices of
citizenship and detail the history of networked technologies in
campaigning over the last twenty years as they have become
incorporated into a repertoire of electoral practices among
political consultants. Through consideration of the 2003-2004
Howard Dean campaign and 2007-2008 Obama campaign I demonstrate
how peer networks supported by social media are structured by
formal campaign organizations. I conclude by assessing the
implications of these technical practices for democratic

About the speaker:

Daniel Kreiss is a Ph.D. candidate and the Rebele First Amendment
Fellow in Stanford’s Department of Communication. Daniel's
dissertation research focuses on new media and contemporary
political practice with an eye towards documenting shifts in the
political field over the last decade. A paper developed from this
research is forthcoming from the Journal of Information
Technology and Politics, and Daniel has also published on African
American social movements and technology. In addition to pursuing
this scholarly work, Daniel serves as the Development Director
for Catalytic Communities, an open-source platform for global
social innovation, and was previously the Senior Director of
Programs and Development for VoterWatch, an online governmental
transparency initiative. Prior to pursuing a Ph.D. Daniel was a
political journalist and blogger, including covering the 2004
Democratic primaries and the Democratic National Convention, and
has a decade of experience in nonprofit management. Daniel holds
a B.A. in Political Science from Bates College and an M.A. in
Communication (Journalism) from Stanford University.

Contact information:

Daniel Kreiss
Department of Communication
Stanford University
dkreiss at stanford.edu[2]

Embedded Links:
[ 1 ]    http://ee380.stanford.edu
[ 2 ]    mailto:dkreiss at stanford.edu


See the Colloquium website, http://ee380.stanford.edu, for scheduled
speakers, FAQ, and additional information.  Stanford and SCPD students
can enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit.  Anyone is welcome to attend;
talks are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over the web.

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