[liberationtech] Conferences of Interest -- Delete if not interested

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 11:38:46 PST 2009

  Title: 5th International Conference on Information Warfare and
     Security - ICIW 2010
  Date: 2010-04-08
  Description: The 5th International Conference on Information
     Warfare and Security is to be hosted by The Air Force Institute
     of Technology,Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio,
     USA on the 8-9 April 2010. The Conference Chair is Dr. Michael
     Grimaila, Center for Cyberspace Research, WPAFB, Ohio, USA, the
  Contact: sue at academic-conferences.org
  URL: academic-conferences.org/iciw/iciw2010/iciw10-home.htm
  Announcement ID: 172909

  Title: 10th European Conference on E-Government - ECEG 2010
  Date: 2010-06-17
  Description: The 10th European Conference on E-Government (ECEG
     2010) will be hosted by the National Centre for Taxation
     Studies located at the University of Limerick, Ireland on the
     17-18 June 2010. Keynote Speakers are Josephine Feehily,
     Chairman of the Irish Revenue Commissioners, Ireland and John
     Morison, Pr ...
  Contact: sue at academic-conferences.org
  URL: academic-conferences.org/eceg/eceg2010/eceg10-home.htm
  Announcement ID: 172910

  Title: 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security
     - ECIW 2010
  Date: 2010-07-01
  Description: 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and
     Security (ECIW 2010)is hosted by strategyinternational.org and
     the Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia,
     Thessaloniki, Greece and will take place on 1-2 July 2010 The
     9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security
  Contact: sue at academic-conferences.org
  URL: academic-conferences.org/eciw/eciw2010/eciw10-home.htm
  Announcement ID: 172915

  Title: 6th International Conference on E-Government ICEG 2010
  Date: 2010-09-30
  Description: 6th International Conference on E-Government (ICEG
     2010) hosted by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology,
     Cape Town, South Africa on the 30 September 1 October 2010 The
     International Conference on e-Government (ICEG 2010) is an
     opportunity for academics to share the latest thinking on
     e-Govern ...
  Contact: sue at academic-conferences.org
  URL: www.academic-conferences.org/iceg/iceg2010/iceg10-home.htm
  Announcement ID: 172924
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