[liberationtech] Fwd: Denis Hayes, coordinator of first Earth Day to speak at Stanford

Scott Klemmer srk at cs.stanford.edu
Mon Apr 13 16:33:56 PDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Leigh Johnson <leighj at stanford.edu>
> Date: April 13, 2009 3:29:13 PM PDT
> To: environmentalfaculty at lists.stanford.edu
> Subject: Denis Hayes, coordinator of first Earth Day to speak at  
> Stanford
> Environmental faculty,
> Please excuse cross postings:
> Denis Hayes will give two talks, the first brief keynote for student- 
> run GreenFest 2009 (Tuesday, April 14, noon-1:00, Meyer Library  
> Lawn) will reflect on his experiences coordinating the first Earth  
> Day in 1970 and serving as Stanford Student Body President in 1968.  
> The second talk will be at the Energy Seminar (Wednesday, April 15,  
> 4:15-5:15, Building 420, Room 40) on Taking Solar Seriously: How to  
> Run a Modern Industrial Civilization on Sunbeams...
> Sustainability at Stanford Festival
> Earth Week Kick-off Event Full Schedule of Events
> Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 from 12pm - 1pm at the Meyer Library Lawn  
> (between Meyer Library and the Stanford bookstore)
> Leading up to the student-driven events the week of Earth Day,  
> Stanford highlights and celebrates sustainability efforts at  
> Stanford on April 14. The Stanford community – students, faculty,  
> and staff – will come together to be informed and inspired by  
> leadership in sustainability at Stanford – then and now.
> Stanford’s own Denis Hayes, the leader of the first Earth Day,
> will deliver the keynote on why he coordinated the first Earth Day
> and share how young leaders can solve key challenges facing us all.
> We hope you will all join us to share the inspiration, music, and  
> good company of our sustainability community at Stanford.
>     * Welcome – Sustainable Stanford
>     * Woods Institute for the Environment
>     * Keynote by Denis Hayes, Former Stanford Student Body President  
> who coordinated first Earth Day April 14, 1970
>     * Q & A and Concluding Remarks - Students for a Sustainable  
> Stanford
> RSVP: The event is open to the public. Please send an RSVP email to sustainable-rsvp at lists.stanford.edu 
>  if you are planning to attend so we can plan the logistics for the  
> event and provide a confirmation. You can come without RSVP, but it  
> will help with our planning. Please include your name and email  
> address; they will not be used for other solicitation purposes.  
> Thank You.
> Link to campus map of Meyer Building and Lawn
> Best regards, Leigh
> Leigh Limbach Johnson
> Program Manager
> Woods Institute for the Environment
> Stanford University
> Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building--4205
> 473 Via Ortega
> Stanford, CA  94305-4205
> P 650-725-5805
> F 650-228-2493
> woods.stanford.edu
> leighj at stanford.edu
> --++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==
> environmentalfaculty mailing list
> environmentalfaculty at lists.stanford.edu
> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/environmentalfaculty

Scott Klemmer
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Gates Computer Science 3B, Room 384
Stanford CA 94305-9035

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