[liberationtech] Talk by Dan Pallotta, Mon 11-11:50 AM

Neil Patel neilp at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 9 15:49:32 PDT 2009

The Stanford Decisions and Ethics Center
Sarvodaya at Stanford University <http://sarvodaya.stanford.edu>

A talk by Dan Pallotta <http://www.danpallotta.com/>

Author of the controversial book Uncharitable <http://www.uncharitable.net/>

Monday, Apr 13, 11-11:50 AM, Skilling

For the Lessons in Decision Making <http://ldm.stanford.edu/> Seminar

By RSVP<http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cHpETTVDbzY2SzRqSFYyVkIyU2JnV1E6MA..>

Dan has turned the non-profit world upside down by arguing that the
construct does not make sense. Dan was the founder of Pallotta Teamworks, a
company that helped raise the most money ever by a private event organizer
for AIDS. Dan's book focuses on the hypocrisy in our society where we have
no problem with profits for those who sell harmful products to us but we
have a lot of issues with those who want high salaries in charities.

If you are considering a career in public service, or avoiding it because of
poor earning prospects, this would be a great talk to attend.

[image: http://sarvodaya.stanford.edu/images/dan.jpg]
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