[liberationtech] Crowd9 Meeting at Stanford Law School

Ryan Calo rcalo at stanford.edu
Thu Nov 6 17:36:52 PST 2008


Stanford Law School has received a generous grant from the Rose  
Foundation to launch a new website devoted to evaluating and improving  
online applications.  We’d like to invite you to an early planning  
session so we can tell you more about the project and get your advice  
as we move forward.

The Project: We’re calling the project Crowd9.  A kind of Consumer  
Reports for Internet products, Crowd9 will be a crowd-sourced site for  
ratings and reviews of mobile and Internet-enabled applications  
targeted at consumers and developers with an emphasis on features such  
as privacy, security, portability, and openness. We envision Crowd9 as  
a tool that will allow users to share the critical information they  
need to make more informed choices about which programs and platforms  
meet their privacy preferences.

The Meeting: On November 21, 2008 from 12:00-4:00 pm in the Stanford  
Law School Faculty Room, we’re hosting a meeting for technology and  
privacy experts – including academics, lawyers, technologists, and  
entrepreneurs.  This is a chance to shape Crowd9 to meet your  
expectations and needs.  Attached is a project summary and agenda for  
the meeting.  Please e-mail Ryan Calo (rcalo at stanford.edu) to let him  
know if you will be able to attend or if you have any questions about  
this project.

If there are other members of your organization that you believe might  
want to participate, please feel free to relay this letter and its  


The Crowd9 Team

Lauren Gelman, Ryan Calo, Seth Gilmore, Michael Stahl & David Rizk

M. Ryan Calo
Residential Fellow
Center for Internet and Society
Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610

Email: rcalo at stanford.edu
Work: (650) 736-8675
Fax: (650) 723-4426
Cell: (646) 765-5766

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