[liberationtech] New mailing list and wiki for Liberation Technologies

Terry Winograd winograd at cs.stanford.edu
Sat Jun 14 12:55:24 PDT 2008

We have created a mailing list for people interested in the Liberation
Technologies project. I put everyone onto it initially who had indicated
interest.  You can get off the list any time, or can invite others to join
it, by going to http://mailman.stanford.edu
I have left it open to unscreened posting by people on the list, and will
review postings by anyone else, so it shouldn't be a spam target.  Feel free
to send items you think would be of interest to the group.

We have also set up a wiki for sharing ideas, documents, etc.  It was
originally on Google Sites, but that required individual approvals and we
wanted a simpler way to get people involved, so it is now at
and the "invitation key" (i.e., password) is "research".  Feel free to give
this to others who are relevant to the project, but this is not intended to
be an open public site.  Please add to the Wiki as you find or think of
things that would be relevant. As with most Wikis, don't assume that people
scan it regularly, so if you add something of general interest, send an
email announcing it. If this starts generating too much email (which would
be a great indication of intrest!) we'll add ways to cut the load.

We had talked about meetings continuing during the summer, but no concrete
plans yet.  We'll send a notice.

Thanks, and we look forward to working with you.

Terry Winograd, for the organizers
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