[liberationtech] Virtual Peace

Ryan Calo rcalo at stanford.edu
Thu Dec 18 14:56:47 PST 2008

 From CIS non-resident fellow Colin Rule:


Virtual Peace: Turning Swords to Ploughshares
The Humanitarian Assistance Training Simulator

Virtual Peace: Turning Swords to Ploughshares brings together digital  
learning technologies and international humanitarian assistance  
efforts. Students and educators enter an immersive, multi-sensory  
game-based environment that simulates real disaster relief and  
conflict resolution conditions in order to learn first-hand the  
necessary tools for sensitive and timely crisis response.

M. Ryan Calo
Residential Fellow
Center for Internet and Society
Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610

Email: rcalo at stanford.edu
Work: (650) 736-8675
Fax: (650) 723-4426
Cell: (646) 765-5766

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