[liberationtech] Fwd: Groundbreaking New Research on PACs and Political Contributions ...
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Thu Aug 7 14:29:23 PDT 2008
This is very hyped but may be of interest to contact Dr. Steven Billet...
Dr. Steven Billet, the Director of the Masters in Legislative Affairs at
GW's Graduate School of Political Management, has recently completed a
study on PACs and political contributions*. His exhaustive statistical
research and anecdotal evidence has produced a set of *easily applied
predictive algorithms* that will maximize the impact of every dollar you
spend over the next four months.
His unique "tools of the trade" will give you the decisive edge over your
fiercest competitors by showing you how to:
- *Predict with near-perfect accuracy the contributions of your
competitors before they occur* -- exactly who they will give to, how
much, and the timing of the donations.
- Quickly re-create the closely guarded formulas of the "Champions
Programs" used by the most sophisticated PACs - programs that develop and
empower effective legislative advocates for your organization's political
* The Best Ways -- and New Tools -- to Help Your Candidates NOW*
*July 29, 2008 · 2:00-3:30 pm EDT
Meet with leading FEC Experts
1825 Eye Street NW, Washington DC*
Many of you have expressed an interest in attending a seminar - not just
a webinar - on this timely topic. You said you wanted to be able to network
with the other attendees, meet the speakers, and get a more personal sense
of what the latest political trends are.
WE HEAR YOU! Hence, ... It's now available as an in-person conference...
You've got four months until election day. There are still plenty of easy
and inexpensive ways to make a big difference... if you know how.
The good news is that the new FEC regulations allow a surprisingly large
number of these political activities to be paid for directly from treasury
funds - *not precious PAC money.
What's more, many of these activities to be conducted with little or no
reporting and disclosure.
tips and insider strategies directly from top FEC experts
Our distinguished panel will show you how to ramp up - and amp up - your
political operation by utilizing tools and techniques that require know-how,
not huge resources.
**Register now*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HLrCPlwPiSWP9PoiUXqL6Eiy0uvaM6Yi3P36DpuP4Ui6W7p9bw4RcAf77ZdnRXRNybXVwGRl1lECC94ffIHlhBtTzDK9XcNv9CEkCGng0U08ohY7mCwU5ihGJMC1LQqXhP7ugvXSm9H9fTSxqNNjcv-FJATfd9B_gUm9KVLjH49Fk8rbBU8Jsrxo2WL61Mub>
90-minute session will arm you with real-world advice for taking the fullest
advantage of the BEST tools allowed by the new campaign spending rules.
You'll emerge with a toolkit of powerfully effective ideas for reaching your
political and lobbying goals.
Guided by former *FEC chairman Scott Thomas*, *former FEC General Counsel
Lawrence Norton* and *PAC Management expert Steve Billet*, you'll learn the
latest strategies for pushing the effectiveness of your spending to the
limit while staying well within the law. Once you register, you'll have the
opportunity to ask your questions about campaign funds and spending.
*Register now*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HLrCPlwPiSWP9PoiUXqL6Eiy0uvaM6Yi3P36DpuP4Ui6W7p9bw4RcAf77ZdnRXRNybXVwGRl1lECC94ffIHlhBtTzDK9XcNv9CEkCGng0U08ohY7mCwU5ihGJMC1LQqXhP7ugvXSm9H9fTSxqNNjcv-FJATfd9B_gUm9KVLjH49Fk8rbBU8Jsrxo2WL61Mub>to
learn the most effective ways to leverage your precious political
resources and limited dollars. This conference will cover these topics and
*No PAC? No Problem!*
- How to pool resources and coordinate efforts with other companies and
trade associations without triggering "affiliation" concerns.
- Clear Advice on staying within the No Regulation Zone of so-called
"issue ads."
- When and how to coordinate with candidates. (Sometimes the exemptions
are better if you coordinate. Really!)
- The best ways to create and distribute "exempt" political messages
using treasury funds from corporations, trade associations, and non-profits
and WITHOUT getting caught in the net of reporting, disclosure and
*The Internet: Fast, Viral, Cheap and Mostly Exempt*
- The rules are different - and better -- on the Internet. Many "express
advocacy" and "electioneering communications" that would be prohibited on
TV, radio or in newspapers are perfectly legal (and a lot cheaper) on the
- We'll show you how to get your message out through blogging, videos,
social networks, hyperlinks and other ways that don't "count" as reportable
*The Pioneering Techniques of Monster PACs *
- A very small percentage of PACs raise the vast majority of political
funds, and most of it is NOT going directly to candidates. Do they know
something you don't? You bet!
- Monster PACs are changing the political landscape by becoming de facto
political parties. We'll show you how today's technology makes it easier
than you think.
- Find out WHERE AND WHY the Monster PACs are putting their money between
now and election day, and what you should be focusing on NOW.
*Register now<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HLrCPlwPiSWP9PoiUXqL6Eiy0uvaM6Yi3P36DpuP4Ui6W7p9bw4RcAf77ZdnRXRNybXVwGRl1lECC94ffIHlhBtTzDK9XcNv9CEkCGng0U08ohY7mCwU5ihGJMC1LQqXhP7ugvXSm9H9fTSxqNNjcv-FJATfd9B_gUm9KVLjH49Fk8rbBU8Jsrxo2WL61Mub>
* The elections get closer every day. Attend this conference and you won't
miss out on opportunities to reach voters - and you won't risk making
mistakes that could slap you with staggering fines and bad publicity.
*Meet Your Instructors*
*Scott E. Thomas* joined Dickstein Shapiro in 2006, and is the head of the
Political Law Practice. A former Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman,
Mr. Thomas focuses his political law practice on campaign finance, ethics,
and lobbying law. With more than 30 years of experience in this field, he
assesses current compliance issues and suggests best practices to ensure
adherence to the rules.
*Larry Norton* counsels clients on government regulation of political
activity, including federal and state campaign finance, government ethics,
and lobbying laws. From 2001 through 2007, Larry served as General Counsel
of the Federal Election Commission. Larry also oversaw the drafting of
regulations that implement all provisions of the landmark Bipartisan
Campaign Reform Act of 2002 ("BCRA," also known as McCain-Feingold). In 2007
Larry was named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the top lawyers in
Washington, D.C.
*Dr. Steven Billet* is the Director of the Masters in Legislative Affairs
and the Chief of Staff at the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM)
at the George Washington University. His current research includes two
books, The Political Dimensions of Competitor Analysis and PAC Management in
the Jungle of American Campaign Finance.
*Register now*<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HLrCPlwPiSWP9PoiUXqL6Eiy0uvaM6Yi3P36DpuP4Ui6W7p9bw4RcAf77ZdnRXRNybXVwGRl1lECC94ffIHlhBtTzDK9XcNv9CEkCGng0U08ohY7mCwU5ihGJMC1LQqXhP7ugvXSm9H9fTSxqNNjcv-FJATfd9B_gUm9KVLjH49Fk8rbBU8Jsrxo2WL61Mub>to
learn how to sponsor travel and events that promote your interests -
without exposing you to all-new liability. Plus, the conference includes
a Q&A session that gives you a chance to ask your specific questions.
*Who Will Benefit?
*This conference offers valuable hands-on tactics and troubleshooting advice
for anyone involved in supporting and running political campaigns,
- PAC Directors
- Campaign and election political consultants
- Campaign finance legal advisors
- Heads of coalitions and people who fund a significant portion of them
- Legal counsel who provide guidance on campaign finance
- Public affairs staff at corporations or associations
- Executive Directors of not-for-profit organizations
- Lobbyists
*Four Easy Ways to Register
**Register Online<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001HLrCPlwPiSWP9PoiUXqL6Eiy0uvaM6Yi3P36DpuP4Ui6W7p9bw4RcAf77ZdnRXRNybXVwGRl1lECC94ffIHlhBtTzDK9XcNv9CEkCGng0U08ohY7mCwU5ihGJMC1LQqXhP7ugvXSm9H9fTSxqNNjcv-FJATfd9B_gUm9KVLjH49Fk8rbBU8Jsrxo2WL61Mub>
**Call us* at 202-464-1662 or toll-free 1-888-265-0600
*Fax us* your order to 202-464-1775 *Mail us* your order to 8120 Woodmont
Ave., Suite 110, Bethesda, MD 20814 (AMEX, VISA, Mastercard,
Discover accepted)
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