[liberationtech] REMINDER: TOMORROW Liberation Technologies Meeting AUGUST 5, 12noon Encina Hall E-008

James Fishkin jfishkin at stanford.edu
Mon Aug 4 10:16:33 PDT 2008

sorry I am away on vacation but hope to catch up with this group 
during the term. Jim F

At 10:05 AM 8/4/2008, Joshua Cohen wrote:
>Dear All:
>I am very much looking forward to seeing people tomorrow.
>all best,
>p.s. if you notice that some names of interested people are not on
>the distribution list, please forward the message.
>On Aug 4, 2008, at 9:51 AM, Adam Tolnay wrote:
> > Dear Liberation Technologies Working Group,
> >
> > Our second talk in the series to be held by:
> >
> > Prof. David Dill of the Computer Science department on August 5,
> > 2008 at 12:00noon in Encina Hall E-008. Lunch will be provided.
> >
> > Further information on Prof. Dill's talk is below.
> >
> > Kindly RSVP to Laura Cosovanu: lauracos at stanford.edu to let us know
> > if you will be able to attend Prof. Dill's presentation. Please do
> > not hesitate to ask any questions.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Adam Tolnay
> >
> > Title:  "Electronic voting -- a potentially unliberating technology"
> >
> > Abstract:  High-tech voting seems very attractive to voters who are
> > used to using computers for work, e-commerce, electronic banking,
> > etc. But voting is fundamentally different from other transaction
> > because of ballot secrecy, which makes trustworthy electronic
> > voting a very challenging technology problem.
> >
> > Brief Bio: David Dill has been a Professor of Computer Science at
> > Stanford University since 1987, after receiving his PhD in Computer
> > Science from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a co-Principle
> > Investigator on the NSF-funded ACCURATE voting technology project.
> >
> > Prof. Dill has been working actively on policy issues in voting
> > technology since 2003. He is the author of the "Resolution on
> > Electronic Voting", which calls for  a voter-verifiable audit trail
> > on all voting equipment, and which has been endorsed by thousands
> > of people, including many of the top computer scientists in the
> > U.S. He served on the California Secretary of State's Ad Hoc Task
> > Force on Touch-Screen Voting in 2003, and has testified on
> > electronic voting before the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Election
> > Assistance Commission, and the Commission on Federal Election
> > Reform, co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker III. He is the
> > founder of the  Verified Voting Foundation and VerifiedVoting.org
> > and is on the board of those organizations. In 2004, he received
> > the Electronic Frontier Foundation's  "Pioneer Award" for "for
> > spearheading and nurturing the popular movement for integrity and
> > transparency in modern elections."
> > (For other biographical information, see: http://
> > verify.stanford.edu/dill)
> >
> >
>liberationtech mailing list
>liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu

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