[Infrastructure-readinggroup] Reading group

Niels ten Oever mail at nielstenoever.net
Thu Jun 29 10:55:07 CEST 2023

Great to hear from you Adrien, and looking forward to see people again this afternoon!

People who haven't gotten around to reading thusfar, feel free to (re-)join.

The book already brought about fascinating discussions about science and militarism (going back to Galileos design of the 'gunner's compass', which was pretty much the analog equivalent of ENIAC, but also about the roots of AI in the cold war! Also the myth of global control and rocket systems (SAGE) gives quite a fresh perspective on SpaceX and other recent military advancements.

Looking forward to see you all in a bit here: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/6365963924.


PS You can find the book here: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/bafykbzacedvzhzwidmh5nhwhoneyz6cett3tmabk256vwu4goiasfpkk3edbm?filename=%28Inside%20Technology%29%20Paul%20N.%20Edwards%20-%20The%20Closed%20World_%20Computers%20and%20the%20Politics%20of%20Discourse%20in%20Cold%20War%20America-The%20MIT%20Press%20%281996%29.pdf
PPS We have a discussion with Paul Edwards scheduled for August 10th !

On 29-06-2023 10:36, TOURNIER Adrien wrote:
> Hey,
> I followed the reading group first sessions, and then was not able to do so. Thursday was for month a day of national strike, and some other weeks i couldn't join for seminars. I be glad to discuss again during the next sessions, and join the discussions, so just wanted to say hello, quitting zoom inconsistency.
> It's perfect to read Closed World book. Last year, as you might have heard off, a rather dividing book (which is obviously highly disputable and stupid in some ways) made the argument (around the pandemic) that we still lived in a cold war world, that it never ended (https://mitpress.mit.edu/9781635901795/conspiracist-manifesto/ <https://mitpress.mit.edu/9781635901795/conspiracist-manifesto/>), arguing about cybernetics and technological control. Even though, there are many reasons to be worried about american dominion, i do believe there are many other ways to look at this history.
> Best,
> Adrien
> --------------
> Adrien Tournier
> Doctorant au sein du laboratoire HT2S du CNAM
> https://technique-societe.cnam.fr/ <https://technique-societe.cnam.fr/>
> Téléphone: 0768705783

Niels ten Oever, PhD
Co-Principal Investigator - critical infrastructure lab - University of Amsterdam
Assistant Professor - Department of European Studies - University of Amsterdam

W: https://criticalinfralab.net
W: https://nielstenoever.net
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