[IGF-DAIG] UCL PhD Opportunity: Advancing Policy on Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse

Leonie Tanczer ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk
Fri Nov 17 06:40:52 CET 2023

This is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in technology-facilitated domestic abuse and intimate partner violence. I'd appreciate it if you could circulate it in your network.

Some key facts:

  *   You will join the growing “Gender and Tech” Lab embedded in UCL Computer Science’s Information Security Research Group.
  *   For this project, you will map the policy dimensions around tech abuse in the UK (e.g., domestic abuse, online harms, and cybercrime legislation).

  *   The exact remit of the studentship is defined and shaped in exchange with the UK Domestic Abuse Commissioner’s Office, where the successful applicant will also spend a three-month-long placement.

More information about the PhD post:


More information about UCL EPSRC DTP studentships:


More information about the Gender & Tech Research Group:

Please help spread the word! - Thank you!

Best wishes


Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer

Associate Professor in International Security and Emerging Technologies
Department of Computer Science
University College London

Twitter: @leotanczt<https://twitter.com/leotanczt>
Website: http://www.leonietanczer.net/
Key Fingerprint: 9F21 A6A6 913E 1393 1BC6 73DA EBEF 07A4 F61F 79DA
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