[Network-Centric Resources] Help us establish an Event Designer Network on Oct 8th, 15:00 UTC

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Wed Sep 25 19:09:12 CEST 2024

Dear Resource Designers,

If you are an event designer, manager, producer, or enthusiast keen to share your experiences, learn about new approaches, and connect with others on a similar journey, please join us on Tuesday, Oct 8th at 15:00 UTC.

Sarah Allen <https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahtallen/> and I have been in constant dialogue about the ever-changing events ecosystem for nearly a decade. It has been a continuous topic that threads through our friendship. Whether discussing new formats from unconferences to hyper-scheduled to slow convening, sharing experiences of new technology or event platforms, or celebrating what we learnt from peer events, we recognise how vital learning from peers working in diverse contexts is.

So, we are eager to establish a network of practitioners seeking ways to provide benefits and experiences to strengthen participants' abilities to reach their social change goals. 

Register directly via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqceqsrzsiE9Zts2hu3WZzewu1AreUpVQx 

If you can’t make it on October 8th but want details on future Event Design sessions, please respond to this email and let us know.  And, of course, if you know of anyone else who might benefit from joining, please share. 

In solidarity,

- dirk

dirk slater
Signal: FabRider.12
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