[Network-Centric Resources] The Facilitating Collective Power Lab, Week of July 29th

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Tue Jul 9 11:12:50 CEST 2024

Hello Resource Designers,

At the end of July, you’ll have an opportunity to strengthen your facilitation skills at The Facilitating Collective Power Lab.  During this two-day, three-hour-a-day online lab, we will explore the different power domains in which change-makers operate and how to effectively design and facilitate power analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards success. We will explore how to identify, practice and support “facilitative leadership”. We will also share facilitation best practices that help us ‘walk the walk’.

FabRiders’ labs are opportunities to explore, experiment and strengthen expertise. It's also an opportunity to connect and learn from others on a similar journey.  To accommodate a diversity of time zones, we offer this Lab twice during the week of July 29th: July 29th and 30th at 3 pm UTC or July 31st and August 1st at 9 am UTC.

To learn more and register, please see: https://www.fabriders.net/facilitating-collective-power/

Registration is 240 GBP.  As a valued participant in this network, FabRiders would like to offer you a 25% Discount. Choose the time/date you want to attend, hit the green “next” button to register,  then click the hyperlinked “do you have a promo code?” enter FabRiders25 and hit apply. 

Also, note that there is an “Apply for Scholarship” link on both the registration pages for use by anyone who might find the registration fee to be a barrier to participating. 

We are always hugely appreciative with help on outreach. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who might benefit. And of course, do respond to this email with any questions or comments.

In solidarity,


dirk slater
Signal: FabRider.12
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Book a time to chin wag with dirk: https://calendar.app.google/cm9bjytUgxJg8gDa7
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