[Network-Centric Resources] How do I get great feedback on a resource from users?

Kristin Antin kristin at huridocs.org
Wed Nov 17 19:47:02 CET 2021

Hello resource creators! It's me again. ;)

As we put the finishing touches on our resource MVP (minimal viable
product), we are thinking about our process for requesting feedback. I am
sharing our basic approach below, and I would love to learn from all of you
about the questions you ask people to get useful feedback on your
resources, the way you request/receive feedback (e.g. survey, email,
interview), and any other tips you might have for me.

We want to learn whether:

* The content in this resource is understandable or not
* The steps in this resources are actionable or not
* The content in this resource is relevant to their work or not
* There is anything else that can be added to this resource

In order to learn this, we will ask around 20 human rights practitioners to
review a specific resource (around 2-4 pages) and answer the following
questions (via email):

* Is the information in this resource that is helpful to you in carrying
out your work? If so, what information and how is it helpful?
* Would it be possible to apply any of this information to your work today?
If so, what?
* Which parts of this resource were difficult to understand? Is there a
better way to explain this? (please highlight these sections in the
document and make a comment regarding this)
* Would you recommend this resource to a colleague/peer?
* Is there anything we should add? Are there any experiences, tips, advice
you want to contribute to this resource?

Then, we will organize a series of online conference calls with 3-5
participants on each call with a focus on the following goals:

* reflect on the feedback we received and identify any common threads,
* brainstorm ideas for how to improve the resource, and
* listen to how participants would imagine using this resource.

After this whole process (which we expect to take a month), we will
incorporate what we've learned into the resource before we publish it.

I look forward to receiving your feedback on this idea for getting
feedback! (so meta)

Thank you!
*Kristin Antin*
Knowledge Collaboration Lead

New York
Skype: kjantin | Twitter: @kjantin <https://twitter.com/kjantin> | PGP
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