[Network-Centric Resources] Sustaining Network-Centric Resources, Jan 14th, Our Next Online Discussion

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Thu Jan 2 15:19:47 CET 2020

Hi Everyone,

Happy new year!

Just want to confirm that on January 14th at 15:00 GMT - we will have
our next online discussion on how to Sustain a Network-Centric Resource
throughout it's lifecycle. Please RSVP to get details here:

You can also double check your time zone here:

We will discuss creative ways to share ownership with networks and
communities in ways that will motivate them to invest time and
resources. We will also look at ways to convince donors to fund well
beyond birth and infancy of the resource. (For a reminder of the
Lifecycle, see:

Jon Camfield and Bob Gradeck will be helping lead small group breakouts,
but I could use a couple of more volunteers.  Do email me, if you're



Dirk Slater


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