[Network-Centric Resources] Correction! Re: Indicators of Success and other March events

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Fri Feb 28 16:14:20 CET 2020

Just a correction on my time zones.

The network-centric resources online discussion on March 12th - WILL
Take place at 8:00 pacific and 11 Eastern - BUT that will be 15:00 UK
and 16:00 Europe.  Seems thats that strange period where North America
changes it's clocks but europe hasn't yet.

Also the time on the Data Literacy Consortium call on March 10th is
15:00 UK, 16:00 Europe


- Dirk

Dirk Slater
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider Twitter/Wire
dirkslater Skype

On 28/02/2020 11:19, Dirk Slater wrote:
> Hello Resource Designers,
> Happy Leap Day! (I know - it's tomorrow) It's the end of February and
> a few Fabrider connected things that are coming up in March.
> First and foremost, our next Network-Centric Resources Online
> Discussion will take place on Thursday March 12th at 8:00 Pacific,
> 11:00 Eastern, 16:00 UK, 17:00 Europe. And we will create a list of
> indicators of success - so how do we know that we are actually sharing
> ownership, enabling contribution and supporting collaboration. Super
> grateful to Ashley Fowler, Internews <https://internews.org/>, Liz
> Monk, Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center
> <http://www.wprdc.org/> and Liz Hynes, The Narrative Initiative
> <https://narrativeinitiative.org/>for agreeing to lead small group
> breakouts.  RSVP to get details on how to join -
> https://www.fabriders.net/ncronlinediscussion/
> You also might be interested in:
>   * The Data Literacy Consortium is holding an online discussion on
>     adapting existing resources for data literacy on Tuesday, March
>     10th at 16:00 UK see: https://dataconsortium.net/
>   * The Workshop Lab is a FabRiders' event taking place in London on
>     March 26th. If you or any of your colleagues would like an
>     opportunity to improve your training and facilitation skills,
>     please come! Early bird tickets are currently available but there
>     are is also scholarships available. See:
>     https://www.fabriders.net/theworkshoplab/
> Looking forward to seeing you at any, if not all, of those events!
> - Dirk
> -- 
> Dirk Slater
> @FabRider
> www.fabriders.net
> +447903932817 Mobile/Signal
> @FabRider Twitter/Wire
> dirkslater Skype
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