[Network-Centric Resources] Facilitative Leadership Session Design

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Thu Feb 6 12:37:45 CET 2020

Hello Everyone,

Hoping that you might find this latest post by Misty Avila in the
FabToolkit useful - It's a session design where participants create
their own recipes for Facilitative Leadership/. /The magic in this
session that Misty created is it demonstrates the power of facilitative
leadership through the session design, providing structure and
scaffolding for participants to share and build a knowledge base.

See: https://www.fabriders.net/recipes-for-facilitative-leadership/

I hope you'll find this relevent and applicable to your work in building
your network-centric resource.  As resource developers, the main task is
to get others to surface and share knowledge in meaningful ways and
understanding the basics of Facilitative Leadership is a must.  This
also follows on the online discussion we had last spring with Gunner and
his lessons learned, see:

I'm grateful to Misty for suggesting that we post the session design on
the FabRiders site and it's helping me build the FabToolkit into a more
meaningful resource. So I'm also making an offer to you - do you have a
session design or a how-to that could use a home? Hit me up!

More soon,


Dirk Slater
+447903932817 (Mobile/Signal)
dirkslater (Skype)

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