[Network-Centric Resources] Do you have experience setting up a governance structure?

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Tue Mar 19 13:59:37 CET 2019

Hi Everyone,

This Thursday the 21st at 16:00 GMT, we’ll be having a Network-Centric Resources online discussion about setting up a Governance Structure for Open Heroines with Mor Rubinstein.  Mor is keen to share her challenges and learn from others during the discussion. Thought it might be worth asking people to share their own experiences in setting up a governance structure - definitely a plus if it’s to help develop a resource, but also keen to hear from people who might have had to set up a governance structure for an organisation.

How do you create an accountability and transparency loop in decision making, particularly to share ownership, enable contribution and support collaboration? What’s worked? What doesn’t? What resources for developing a governance structure have you found helpful?

If you can make the call on the 21st and share then, that would be great - RSVP at: https://www.fabriders.net/ncronlinediscussion/

If you can’t make the call, please respond on the list.



Dirk Slater
Skype: dirkslater
Wire: @FabRider
Mobile/Signal: +447903932817
Join our Network on Designing Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/
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