[Network-Centric Resources] Notes from our online discussion with Sarah Allen, MozFest Director.

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Mon Jan 21 19:02:43 CET 2019


Last Thursday, we looked at the Network-Centric Resources during an online discussion with Sarah Allen, the MozFest Director. The conversation focused on the federated model and open leadership principles that Sarah employs in creating the 2,000 person collaboration that is MozFest.  We did take notes and made a recording. Find them here:

http://www.fabriders.net/ncrnotesmozfestsarahallen/ <http://www.fabriders.net/ncrnotesmozfestsarahallen/>

Our next online discussion will be with Greg Bloom of Open Referral, who has used a community organising model to create an open standard to enable sharing data about services and resources for people in need. It will take place on Wednesday February 20th at 16:00 GMT.  To RSVP, just reply to this email and let me know you would like to attend.

More soon!


Dirk Slater
www.fabriders.net <http://www.fabriders.net/>
Skype: dirkslater
Wire: @FabRider
Mobile/Signal: +447903932817
Join our Network on Designing Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/ <http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/>
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