[Network-Centric Resources] discussion on the RD redesign, lessons learned and feedback

Maya Richman maya at theengineroom.org
Mon Mar 26 14:22:00 CEST 2018

// Apologies for cross-posting! //

Hey NCR friends,

I wanted to remind you all that I'll be participating in Fabrider's
Network Centric Resources online discussion about the responsibledata.io
redesign this Wednesday, March 28th at 8:00 PDT, 9:00 CST, 11:00 EST,
16:00 BST, 17:00 CEST, 18:00 EAT, 20:30 IST.

We're really interested in hearing feedback from community members about
the new design - what's working? what can be improved? where do you all
see the community in the coming years?

RSVP to the call here: https://www.fabriders.net/portfolio/ncrrdfmaya/

Hope to see you there!


Maya Richman

Techno Queen
The Engine Room | https://www.theengineroom.org
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[tw] @mayarichman

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