[Network-Centric Resources] Designing EFF's Security Education Companion, Online Discussion Notes

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Fri Feb 16 13:57:20 CET 2018

Hello Everyone,

For those of you that missed our online discussion with EFF's Soraya Okuda (and NCR network member) on designing the Security Education Companion, we’ve posted notes and a video of the conversation, along with lots of links to various resources we mentioned.  You can find it here: https://www.fabriders.net/ncrnoteseffsecsoraya/

Also, EFF is currently asking questions to those that have used the companion, in order to improve it.

	• Have you used our Security Education Companion to prepare to teach digital security to beginners? Did you look at it on a computer, tablet, phone or other device? What was your impression of the website?
	• In particular, have you used any of our Security Education 101 articles (https://sec.eff.org/articles) or Lesson plans (https://sec.eff.org/topics) to prepare for a workshop? If so, was the information helpful? What additional information would you have liked to see?
	• If you used a lesson plan (https://sec.eff.org/topics), we’d love to hear how the lesson went. Did our time estimates account for how long it actually took? Were learners still confused? What kinds of questions did learners ask? Did you feel adequately prepared to answer these questions?
	• If you used a teaching material (https://sec.eff.org/materials), such as a gif or a handout during a digital security workshop, what did you find to be useful? Were learners able to participate fully (e.g. were they asking questions that indicated that they were paying attention and understood the overarching lesson)? Did learners have questions when looking at the resource, and if so, what were they? Were instructions on handouts and on how to teach gifs sufficiently clear?Was there anything that frustrated you about using the site or any of our resources?

If you have answers to any of those questions, please contact Soraya directly at soraya at eff.org.



Dirk Slater
Wire: @FabRider
Mobile/Signal: +447903932817
Join our Network on Network Centric Resources: http://www.fabriders.net/network-centric/

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