[Network-Centric Resources] A Network Centric Resources Recipe (or workflow) Notes from 13 Oct 2017

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Wed Oct 18 11:50:34 CEST 2017

Thanks for asking Dawn and just to say we missed you too!

I’ve put a clean version of the workflow below - it would be great if you and anyone else who wants to contribute your ingredients (tools) and an example under each one and send it back to me via the list or to me directly, that would be super helpful.  I’d like to start compiling them into a larger document.  Also please feel free to modify my clumsy language and send it back



Here’s the steps of the Recipe!

1. Identifying Network/Community Needs and determining how it will be used.

2. Communicating those needs and use cases back to the community.

3. Drafting an Outline or Wire Frame Mock Up and solicitating feedback

4. Setting up Management/Decision Making Process - Governance (accountability for accuracy, etc) to decide on Formats / Locations / Platforms

5. Drafting Content and getting contribution from network members

6. Finailising Content (reviewing commenting)

7. Publishing/Launching Content (Getting Content Ready for Reuse/Modifications)

8. Learning about use of content, capturing modifications

9. Learn about how the resource impacts the Network? Revisit Step 1. then 2, then

10. Start revising content and go back to Step 6


> On 17 Oct 2017, at 19:56, Dawn Walker <dawn.walker at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Sorry to have missed this conversation.
> The recipe flow aligns with how we (EDGI) have worked on network
> resources, we use a slightly different set of tools at each step -- in
> particular we've stuck pretty close to GitHub for 6-8, definitely a
> challenge at times, then experimented with static sites from jekyll,
> build scripts + gitbook, build scripts + hugo.
> Would it make the most sense for me to add into the etherpad directly?
> Best,
> Dawn
> On 2017-10-17 7:12 AM, Dirk Slater wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> We had a great online discussion on Friday, November 13th and came up with a Network Centric Resources recipe or workflow.  It would be super helpful (big ask!) if people can read the recipe below and contribute both steps and tools based on their own experiences!
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Dirk
>> ----------------------------
>> Notes on the Discussion (raw version at: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/FabRiders.NCR.WorkflowsTools13Oct2017)
>> joining me:
>> - Kristin, currently working on the Collaboratory https://www.huridocs.org/2017/08/community-discussion-documenting-the-disappeared/
>> - Maya, currently working on Responsible Data Project- new launch - https://www.theengineroom.org/designing-for-the-not-so-distant-future/
>> --Jon (I can't be on the call but will snipe from etherpad) -- SAFETAG!! (now with moar blog: https://safetag.org/blog/ )
>> We talked through what we could see as being a workflow/recipe for creating a Network Centric Resource with key ingredients (activities/tools).
>> 1. Identifying Network/Community Needs and determining how it will be used -
>> 	 - Key activity: development of User Personas & Profiles (Jon has some examples at https://usable.tools/personas/ ! )
>> 2. Communicating those needs and use cases back to the community
>> 3. Drafting an Outline or Wire Frame Mock Up and solicitating feedback?
>> 4. Setting up Management/Decision Making Process - Governance (accountability for accuracy, etc) to decide on Formats / Locations / Platforms
>> 	Kristin is using discourse for the Forum
>> 5. Drafting Content and getting
>> 	Maya is using Etherpad & Google Docs
>> 	Krising is using Next Cloud, a more secure alternative to google docs and also Discourse for the Forum, contributors add comments to the forum regarding the experience and knowledge on the topic
>> 6. Finailising Content (reviewing commenting)
>> 	• Kristin is using Next Cloud - to Draft Content, Read and Edit -
>> 	• (Jon’s note: github btw is ... very challenging, but also very powerful as a clear public record of who is making what changes and why)
>> 7. Publishing/Launching Content (Getting Content Ready for Reuse/Modifications)
>> 	• Key ingredient from Kristin:  figure out what creative commons license you'll use for the resource/content (determined by community?)
>> 8. Learning about use of content, capturing modifications
>> 	• Incorporating learnings and modifications.
>> 	• 	Important question from Kristin: how do you verify the validity of the modifications? who is responsible for accuracy of content? (governance)
>> 	• 	Jon Notes: This is very difficult and time consuming, trying it with SAFETAG via pull requests, but I am acting as the sole verifier, and it's still hard
>> 9. Learn about how the resource impacts the Network? Revisit Step 1. then
>> 10. Start revising content and go back to Step 6
>> For general comms throughout the process: Google Hangouts/Jitsi, Email Lists, Mattermost
>> Some other cool tools:
>>    keybase teams / chat / document sharing via usable PGP, problem is very public web of trust connections
>>    rocket.chat - built in OTR and jitsi-like videochat options
>>    OwnCloud
>>    SyncThing (OSS version of BitTorrent Sync - rsync that works over intra/internet) (oooooh, good to know)
>>    Jon: I still <3 Sandstorm for small groups to rapidly set up etherpads, webdav file sharing (owncloud compatible), rocket.chat, and a ton of other random collab tools
>> For future Network Centric Resources case studies in the future: can we use the recipe to generate 10 sentence case studies (one sentence for each step?)
>> Next step: Share the workflow and ask people to share how they have gone through a similar workflow when creating collaborative resources
>> 	• Case study: Book Sprints Workflow (responsible data book - Zarah?)
>> 	• Case study: HURIDOCS community discussions (Kristin)
>> 	• Case study: SAFETAG!?! (Jon) Lol just watch /issues and the pull request queue :P
>> 	• Case study: LevelUp (Maya)
>> Dirk - share the workflow/Recipe on the list and get feedback.
>> Maya - will try to write a 10 sentence case study on LevelUp - likes the steps and the workflow.
>> Kristin - The workflow and processes contributing to - how this work fits into this process - will write a case study based on this - have it structured in that way.  She's done Step 5 and can share some knowledge with other.
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