[Network-Centric Resources] Hello from EDGI!

Kristin Antin kristin at huridocs.org
Mon Apr 17 15:29:59 CEST 2017

Hi Dawn, Marc, Dirk, Gunner and others on this list,

I'm Kristin Antin, Community Knowledge Manager for HURIDOCS. You'd think
with a role like that I'd have this all figured out by now. I guess it
more of an aspirational title. ;)

I'm passionate about getting people to share their knowledge with each
other. I believe we have so many knowledge and experience within the
human rights community that if we could only figure out some effective
ways of sharing with each other, we'd figure out solutions much faster.
I've been facilitating online forums, discussion threads, webinars, and
live events to this end and I've learned a lot about tactics to get
people to share their "knowledge nuggets" (see

But something I haven't figured out yet is how to package those
exchanges in a way that is super useful. I have tried archiving online
discussion threads along with a summary (with lots of links to the
comments) - see
as an example. I had a vision of allowing the community to update that
summary, wiki-style - but I really doubt anyone would have taken the
time to do it.

At HURIDOCS, we just launched (softly) our Collaboratory -
https://collaboratory.huridocs.org. This is a place for human rights
practitioners to discuss and solve information problems - but what will
the outputs look like? This is something I am really struggling with, as
I think we all are.

I'd love to learn about some good examples of resources that are
network-created, and network-owned/managed. Or even examples that are
network-created and facilitator-managed would be helpful. :)

I look forward to learning from you all! Thanks for putting this
together, Dirk.


On 4/13/17 4:51 PM, Dawn Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Dawn Walker, I'm based in Toronto and here as a part of EDGI,
> or Environmental Data & Governance Initiative, a network of academics
> and non-profits addressing potential threats to US federal environmental
> and energy policy, and to the scientific research infrastructure built
> to investigate, inform, and enforce.
> Over the past four months we've been building online tools, events, and
> research networks to proactively archive public environmental data and
> ensure its continued public availability. Much of this exists on our
> website or in our github repository:
> - https://envirodatagov.org/
> - https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/overview
> With the first big milestone around the archiving behind us (Internet
> Archive ended its End of Term harvest in March), we are looking at
> refocusing our efforts to be inline with our anticipated future
> capacity. As part of this we want to understand how to better frame our
> resources to support network-based organizing as we've seen many
> parallel efforts in the past few months.
> Current challenges/barriers:
> - How do we minimize our chances of recreating the wheel (and reduce the
> chances of other people doing that)
> - How to rewrite/modify existing material to be more 'network friendly'
> - What are the issues we should consider about building a sustainable
> resource? (What is a sustainable resource, even? Is some form of expiry
> or graceful degradation preferrable than leaving something up forever?
> - What do governance structures look like for shared resources where
> development happens across two or more orgs?
> Happy to learn more!
> Best,
> Dawn
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