[CorpSoMeDecay] Draft Blog Post from CorpSoMeDecay Sessions

Dirk Slater dirk at fabriders.net
Mon Apr 24 15:40:56 CEST 2023

Hello Everyone,

Apologies that it has taken this long for you to hear from us - but it’s been quite a busy 2023.  

We’ve taken some time to review all the good stuff you contributed during our sessions over the last couple of months and now have a draft blog-post for you to review.  See:

Corporate Social Media is in Decay: What should non-profit organisations do

In particular, we are looking for more contributions to the Guiding Principles section, but any other comments or edits would be greatly appreciated.  And if you might be able to do so before the end of the week, Friday, April 28th, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Apologies for the google doc, but was hoping to use something that would make it easy for commenting, etc. 

Thanks in advance,


Dirk Slater
Facilitating Strategic Movement & Capacity Building
+447903932817 Mobile/Signal
@FabRider at mastodon.social 
Improve your facilitation skills at The Session Design Lab - https://www.fabriders.net/session-design-lab/
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