[Bigdatasur] Seminar by Ranjit Singh tomorrow

Silvia Masiero silvima at ifi.uio.no
Mon Feb 28 08:43:22 CET 2022

Dear all,

Hope you are well! The Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, is hosting a public seminar by Ranjit Singh<https://datasociety.net/people/singh-ranjit/> tomorrow, titled "Seeing Like an Infrastructure: Low-resolution Citizens and the Aadhaar Identification Project". This will be a great occasion for those of us studying digital identity (and beyond!) to discuss with Ranjit on an important topic.

Time and date: Tuesday 1 March, 14.15-15.45 Central European Time (CET)

Link to the lecture: https://www.mn.uio.no/ifi/english/research/groups/is/events/information-systems-seminar/seeing-like-an-infrastructure-low-resolution-citiz.html

Hope to see many of us! :-)

All the best,


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