[Bigdatasur] NOW OUT: book "COVID-19 from the margins" (free download and paper copies)

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Tue Feb 2 11:56:36 CET 2021

Dear BigDataSur friends

We are thrilled to announce the publication of the edited volume "COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society”! 

This book is a labour of love, featuring 75 authors writing in 5 languages, in 282 pages that amplify the silenced voices of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a truly global endeavour, from New Zealand to Peru, from Indonesia to South Africa to Spain. It gives voice to indigenous groups, astronomers, data activists, domestic violence survivors, gig workers, the LGBTQ+ community, Black and other racialise communities… and much more! 

We are particularly proud because the book is OPEN ACCESS and available for free download… and, **while supplies last**, you can get your printed copy for free as well. 
The .pdf and .epub versions can be downloaded from https://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/covid-19-from-the-margins-pandemic-invisibilities-policies-and-resistance-in-the-datafied-society/. 
Our wholehearted thanks to the authors—many of whom active members of this network—for finding the time and the energies to put their thoughts into writing in the difficult months of the pandemic. Thanks also for putting us with our edits and the various requests as we put the manuscript into production. We hope to celebrate with you soon! 

We enclose to this email the cover to make you curious! On social media this book is all people are talking about since we launched yesterday afternoon :-) if you want to advertise it on Twitter, please do not forget to include the handle @BigDataSur.

With love, 
Stefania, Silvia and Emiliano

Stefania Milan
Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam | https://stefaniamilan.net 
Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University
Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE (ERC Starting Grant 639379) | https://data-activism.net
Project Leader, Citizenship and standard-setting in digital networks (HIDDEN) (NWO Responsible Innovation Grant MVI.19.032) 
Co-Principal Investigator, e-LADDA (MSCA 857897)  | https://e-ladda.eu
@annliffey | @data_ctive
+31627875425 | +31(0)205252416
Fingerprint: 5A7B  6330  5684  FC39  3DC0 67D7  08B3  50AE  6AF5  1B63

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