[Bigdatasur] piece on the Covid-19 from the Margins blog

Luiza Bialasiewicz L.A.Bialasiewicz at uva.nl
Fri Jul 17 14:05:21 CEST 2020

hello everyone,

This is Luiza Bialasiewicz, kindly invited to join your list by Stefania! I’m a political geographer at the University of Amsterdam, interested in the geopolitics of data, among other things.

Just wanted to let you know about my short piece published on the Covid-19 from the Margins blog, looking at the persistence of some really troubling stereotypes in the discussions taking place in these days at the European Council meeting regarding the coronavirus ‘Recovery Fund’ - an imagined ‘moral geography’ dividing the virtuous European North from its ‘irresponsible’ and ‘childish’ South.

The piece first came out on OpenDemocracy - you can also find there another piece with a colleague, on ‘personal sovereignty’ in pandemic times:

best to everyone, Luiza

Prof. dr. Luiza Bialasiewicz
Professor of European Governance
Co-director, Amsterdam Centre for European Studies

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