[Bigdatasur] CfP: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society, 28-29 May 2020, Cardiff

Emiliano Trere TrereE at cardiff.ac.uk
Tue Oct 8 11:55:36 CEST 2019

Hi Offray and all,

Thank you for bringing up this issue which of course is central to our Initiative but more in general at the core of the debate in Tech.

We are currently working hard to finding ways to bring people over from the Global South through additional funding channels, whilst also maintaining a low registration fee, which is something we are keen to do to ensure the event is accessible as far as possible. The additional funding is still in process and we will know more in the following weeks.

At the same time, we have been able to secure a great line-up of speakers that is diverse and plural.

But unlike our ideas and ambitions, our resources are limited. So if you have suggestions regarding how to implement remote participation and/or distributed self-organization for data activists for this event - please do bring them forward. This is an ongoing conversation and a continuous struggle to find opportunities and resources. We are only scratching the surface here and this requires the engagement of us all.

Also, I take this opportunity to kindly invite you again to contribute to our blog. Sometimes, it is only by showing funders that we have a critical mass of active people in our network that we are able to secure more resources and open doors that we thought were locked.

Un abrazo, Emiliano


Dr Emiliano Treré

Senior Lecturer in Media Ecologies and Social Transformation

School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC), Cardiff University

Office 1.31, Two Central Square, Cardiff CF10 1FS

JOMEC Profile: https://bit.ly/2HtoPBb

Google Scholar: https://bit.ly/2JZeUVi

Data Justice Lab: https://datajusticelab.org<https://datajusticelab.org/>

From: Bigdatasur <bigdatasur-bounces at data-activism.net> on behalf of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.luna at mutabit.com>
Sent: 07 October 2019 19:08
To: bigdatasur at data-activism.net <bigdatasur at data-activism.net>
Subject: Re: [Bigdatasur] CfP: Civic Participation in the Datafied Society, 28-29 May 2020, Cardiff

Hi all and thanks Emiliano for sharing this.

I couldn't find any notice about funding for participation, particularly for data activist located in the Global South or belonging to underrepresented minorities... which seems kind of self-reinforcing the problems that the conference is trying to address, regarding a crisis of participation and visibility of efforts from civic society and the geopolitics of participation in a datafied society. Without participation funding the Global South activities will remain in obscurity as most of them (like the exemplified here[1]) are self funded, with the know North/South asymmetries

[1] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/En/success-story.md<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmutabit.com%2Frepos.fossil%2Fgrafoscopio%2Fdoc%2Ftip%2FDocs%2FEn%2Fsuccess-story.md&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=NLecDf2pf%2Fm51CkW6N5k1%2F0lcNMWqt9ZuIgDJ10r0s0%3D&reserved=0>

We may have similar problems here in the Global South too. Recently we have the Open Conference Latin America, and was organized in a particularly closed way, from the usual subjects/institutions for the usual subjects/institutions, giving visibility to those already belonging the established circuits.

Did I missed the link about funding or is more a event from/for Global North institutions and/or people located already there? There is any way of remote participation and/or distributed self-organization for data activist around the world to join this event?



On 4/10/19 7:50 a. m., Emiliano Trere wrote:

We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for our next conference at the Data Justice Lab themed:

Civic Participation in the Datafied Society

Date: May 28-29, 2020

Location: Cardiff University in Cardiff, UK.

Host: Data Justice Lab

As the generation, collection and analysis of data continues to transform key aspects of our society across economics, politics and culture, the question of participation has rarely been so pertinent. Democratic processes and traditional avenues for participation are facing challenges as state-citizen relations are increasingly shaped through data analytics and automation at the same time as alternative visions for participatory democracy and decision-making have proliferated. As citizens, we are said to be both coerced and active participants in this shift, both liberated and exploited in the use of digital tools, both more visible and more obscured in data-driven systems. How, then, should we understand civic participation in the datafied society? In what ways are we positioned as citizens in the advancement of datafication? How are decisions made, governance carried out, and systems created? What possibilities exist to intervene in, influence, create and resist power? Who gets to participate and on what terms? How might our institutions and government practices need to change? What are strategies for democratising the emergent datafied society? And what are avenues for enhancing citizen and community participation?

This two-day event explores the relationship between datafication and participation. Hosted by the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC), it will bring together international scholars, practitioners, activists, and community groups to discuss the possibilities and challenges of civic participation in a datafied society. Speakers include:

Carly Kind (Ada Lovelace Institute)

Mark Andrejevic (Monash University, Australia)

Nanjira Sambuli (World Wide Web Foundation)

Natalie Fenton (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK)

Rashida Richardson (AI Now)

Tawana Petty (Detroit Digital Justice Coalition)

The conference will include both scholarly contributions and workshops with civil society, practitioners and impacted communities in order to facilitate and advance knowledge exchange. We therefore welcome alternative formats and ideas. Themes for submissions include (but are not limited to):

  *   Citizen juries, assemblies and audits

  *   Participatory data governance and oversight

  *   Data commons and co-operatives

  *   Data activism and resistance

  *   Participatory design and design justice

  *   Digital and human labour in data

  *   Participation, exploitation and coercion

  *   Geopolitics of participation


Deadline for 500-word abstracts: 15th of December, 2019

Submit via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=datajustice2020<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Feasychair.org%2Fmy%2Fconference%3Fconf%3Ddatajustice2020&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=TUCdRD63nmy9N1qZwHzih8LzgwrlT3aPCj0b8lijW74%3D&reserved=0>

All submissions must include a title, author name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and full contact information (mailing address, email address). If you propose a workshop or practical demonstration, please provide a clear statement of purpose and a detailed description of activities, as well as any infrastructure requirements. Please note that time-slots for sessions are 90 minutes. If more is needed, please include an explanation.

How to get there

Cardiff is a 2-hour train journey west of London and Heathrow airport. The closest airports are Cardiff and Bristol.

Conference fee

Full fee: £75 (early bird) / £100

Reduced fee for students and civil society: £50 (early bird) / £75

Conference organizing committee: Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Joanna Redden and Emiliano Treré (Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University, UK)

For information about the Data Justice Lab, see: http://www.datajusticelab.org<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.datajusticelab.org%2F&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=R%2FGW6dLHs6ze1mA106KFQSXLwXZZLoXIt4nMx%2FCct9U%3D&reserved=0>

Online CfP: https://datajusticelab.org/data-justice-2020/<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdatajusticelab.org%2Fdata-justice-2020%2F&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=xWxMhjwBv8E80tpfVO3OSwc1XKr4W38B%2BStHkJ80lac%3D&reserved=0>

Hashtag: #DataJustice2020

Contact for further information: https://datajusticelab.org/contact/<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdatajusticelab.org%2Fcontact%2F&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=nxbsnJnmhUpy%2FsM6m%2FMstaMlLc2x1t8UvcUhYXL3iD0%3D&reserved=0>


Dr Emiliano Treré

Senior Lecturer in Media Ecologies and Social Transformation

School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC), Cardiff University

Office 1.31, Two Central Square, Cardiff CF10 1FS

JOMEC Profile: https://bit.ly/2HtoPBb<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2HtoPBb&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=AjH2j8r4UlbjP4jupP4DyOSwXPFkkdB6uCUIRIbIops%3D&reserved=0>

Google Scholar: https://bit.ly/2JZeUVi<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2JZeUVi&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=OLRCa%2BAAhZyGTFb2Y6GolPig6Mt5T9g2qVLMDS%2BTjek%3D&reserved=0>

Data Justice Lab: https://datajusticelab.org<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdatajusticelab.org%2F&data=01%7C01%7CTrereE%40cardiff.ac.uk%7C0fb36c5be7c14d22654d08d74b51aec5%7Cbdb74b3095684856bdbf06759778fcbc%7C1&sdata=KuKcSwyT7Z4dGl%2FbXZUV3h446JsmbmtUnQ3bnDSjDu8%3D&reserved=0>

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