[Bigdatasur] Decolonizing Surveillance Studies call

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Sat Mar 30 15:53:54 CET 2019

Dear colleagues
This might be of interest to some of you in this list.
Please find below the call for contributions on ‘Decolonizing Surveillance Studies’ by the open-access journal Surveillance & Society:
We cannot but notice that one of the inspiring sources for the call is Payal Arora’s article on the same topic, published as part of the Special Issue on ‘Big Data from the South’ of Television & New Media, edited by Emiliano Treré (Cardiff University) and myself and due to be published in its entirety in May 2019. Stay tuned for more inspiring views!
Happy weekend, Stefania

Stefania Milan
Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam | https://stefaniamilan.net
Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE (ERC Starting Grant 639379) | https://data-activism.net
Principal Investigator, ALEX (ERC Proof of Concept 825974) | https://algorithms.exposed (coming soon!)
@annliffey | @data_ctive
+31627875425 | +31(0)205252416
Fingerprint: 5A7B  6330  5684  FC39  3DC0 67D7  08B3  50AE  6AF5  1B63

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