[Bigdatasur] invitation: ‘Big Data from the South: Towards a Research Agenda” workshop, December 4-5

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Thu Oct 18 14:58:25 CEST 2018

Dear all
We are finally ready to share with you some information for the forthcoming research workshop ‘Big Data from the South: Towards a Research Agenda”.
Needless to say, this is also an invitation to join, if means and timing allow.

*When*: December 4-5 2018

*Where*: Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam

*What*: A focused research workshop on re-thinking datafication from a Southern perspective. The workshop is the third gathering of the Big Data from the South Initiative. Spearheaded by Emiliano Trere (Cardiff University) and myself, with Anita Say Chan (U Illinois) joining more recently, #BigDataSur is a network and a research agenda (in fieri), or better a space for theoretical and empirical exchange on the challenges of datafication and massive data collection as they unfold in the plurality of South(s). The South for us isn’t merely a matter of geography, but a metaphor, a locus and a proxy for resistance, creativity and subversion. So far, we gathered in Cartagena, Colombia in July 2017 and again at the LASA conference in Barcelona, Spain on May 2018. The Amsterdam event is the next stepping stone, devoted to *advance conceptual work*.

*Thanks to*: The event is sponsored by the Amsterdam Center for Globalization Studies, the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis and the European Research Council (through the DATACTIVE project).

*How*: Day 1 (starting roughly from 4pm) consists of a informal gathering in a local shop/cafe in the city center, reserved for us. There will be food and drinks and good conversations. It is followed by a public roundtable at SPUI25, the cultural-academic podium of the University of Amsterdam. Day 2 consists of a (closed) workshop, with the goal of advancing conceptual work re: thinking datafication from … the upside down. With the help of some of us acting as moderators, we will workshop some notions/concepts/questions. The event includes a book presentation by Nick Couldry (LSE) and Ulises A. Mejías (SUNY Oswego), discussing their last work on data colonialism (2019). The full schedule will be announced shortly.

Should any of you want to take part, please get in touch ASAP. SEATING IS LIMITED because of the format.
Please note that limited funding might be available on a first-come-first-served basis, to help offset some of the costs of your travel/stay.

Stefania (with Emiliano and Anita)

Stefania Milan
Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam | https://stefaniamilan.net
Principal Investigator, DATACTIVE (ERC Starting Grant 639379) | https://data-activism.net
@annliffey | @data_ctive
+31627875425 | +31(0)205252416
Fingerprint: 5A7B  6330  5684  FC39  3DC0 67D7  08B3  50AE  6AF5  1B63

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