[Bigdatasur] Big Data from the South @ LASA, Barcelona, Friday 25 May

Stefania Milan s.milan at uva.nl
Thu May 24 18:48:40 CEST 2018

Dear all, querid at s!
Anita, Emiliano and I are happy to announce the exciting line-up of the three (!) Big Data from the Global South panels at the 2018 Latin American Studies conference, these days in Barcelona. The program is online: https://lasa.international.pitt.edu/eng/congress/LASA2018/files/LASA2018ProgramBook-MainIndex.pdf <https://lasa.international.pitt.edu/eng/congress/LASA2018/files/LASA2018ProgramBook-MainIndex.pdf> 
Our three panels will take place on Friday afternoon. The lists of papers and participants is below (slightly adjusted due to some cancellations and rescheduling). 
The panels are part of a new LASA division entitled "Social Research in the Era of Analytics and Big Data”.
We will make sure to report back to this group, in particular about the panel 1 on project framing/group brainstorming. 
Best, Anita, Emiliano and Stefania 
Big Data from the Global South PANEL SCHEDULE 

1033 // COL - Panel - Friday, 2:15pm - 3:45pm, Sala CCIB M211 - M2 
Big Data from the Global South Part I – PROJECT FRAMING + GROUP BRAINSTORMING
·      Stefania Milan, Emiliano Trere, Anita Chan: From Media to Mediations, from Datafication to Data Activism: 
1101 // COL - Panel - Friday, 4:00pm - 5:30pm, Sala CCIB M211 - M2 Big Data from the Global South Part II: Archive Power 
Session Organizer: Anita J Chan, University of Illinois Discussant: Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam 
·      Inteligencia Artificial y Campañas Electorales en la Era PostPolítica: Seguidores, Bots, Apps: Paola Ricaurte Quijano, Eloy Caloca Lafont 
·      Open Government, APPs and Citizen Participation in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico: Luisa Ochoa; Fernando J Martinez de Lemos 
·      Cryptography, Subjectivity and Spyware: From PGP Source Code and Internals to Pegasus: Zac Zimmer
·      Engineering Data Conduct: Prediction, Precarity, and Data-fied Talent in Latin America’s Start Up Ecology: Anita J Chan
1167 // COL - Panel - Friday, 5:45pm - 7:15pm, Sala CCIB M211 - M2 Big Data from the Global South Part III: Data Incorporations 
Session Organizer: Emiliano Trere Chair: Emiliano Trere 
·      Evidence of Structural Ageism in Intelligent Systems: Mireia Fernandez 
·      Doing Things with Code: Opening Access through Hacktivism: Bernardo Caycedo
·      Decolonizing Data: Monika Halkort
·      Maputopias: Miren Gutierrez

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