[Bigbang-user] Meeting planning, Hackathon Yokohama, Updates, Meeting Tomorrow? (Sebastian Benthall)

Priyanka Sinha priyanka.sinha.iitg at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 12:50:05 CET 2022

Dear Seb and Niels,

I am happy with the times proposed for the meeting. I do not have any
conflicts with CET 17:00 to 18:00 on any day.

I unfortunately won't be able to come to Yokohama in person as I haven't
made as much progress in the other group, so I am avoiding applying for
funding. I would definitely want to be present as an online remote
participant at least. If the meeting is going to need registration, please
do let me know, I'll apply for the funding for fee waiver of remote IETF

As I am progressing in the IETF other work, it seems almost certain that I
would try to get funding to go to the San Francisco meeting in person which
is next. By then, I also am confident I would have made some more concrete
progress in the BigBang work. I hope to atleast push out my PyPi package
for the algorithm this weekend to then use it in the Jupyter example

Thanks and Regards,
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