[Bigbang-user] Meeting planning, Hackathon Yokohama, Updates, Meeting Tomorrow?

Sebastian Benthall sbenthall at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 14:09:13 CET 2022


Christoph concretely proposed 17:00 - 18:00 CET.

I have a conflict, 16:30 - 18:00 CET on Fridays.
Is there another time that works?

** BigBang Hackathon IETF116 Yokohama **
> Curious to hear how people's thinking about this is. Are people able to
> come? Is funding needed? Happy to help make this happen. We could maybe
> even do a small announcement or call? If Seb, Priyanka, Christoph, and I
> can make it I think we can already get a lot of work done and present it at
> RASP. Would be great if Nick, Riccardo and others could also come.  Curious
> to hear what you all think. I anyhow plan to go.

I'm interested in going but would need funding to travel there in person.
My current research funding is not friendly towards international travel.

- Seb
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