[Bigbang-user] Invitation Standard Setting Processes Proposed RG side meeting at IETF115 and online November 10, 15:30 - 16:30 (UTC + 1)
Niels ten Oever
mail at nielstenoever.net
Tue Nov 8 19:07:43 CET 2022
Dear all,
A small reminder and a correction for our meeting for coming Thursday. The meeting will be held:
Thursday November 10, 15:30 - 16:30 (London / UTC) - Room: Mezzanine 12.
Online: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/6365963924
(convert to your local time here: https://is.gd/3ZglR4 )
So not in the previously wrongly stated timezone (links were correct though).
On 01-11-2022 12:15, Niels ten Oever wrote:
> Dear all,
> TL;DR if you are interested in Standards-Setting Research, come to the Researching Internet Standards Processes Research Group (RASP RG) side meeting:
> Thursday November 10, 15:30 - 16:30 (UTC + 1) - Room: Mezzanine 12. Online: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/6365963924
> (convert to your local time here: https://is.gd/3ZglR4 )
> I hope this email finds you well. Last week we had an initial meeting of people interested in the establishment of the Researching Internet Standards Processes Research Group (RASP RG). You can find the notes below and on this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/charterdiscussion-keep
> We decided we will go ahead an run a side meeting at the upcoming IETF meeting. If this goes well, we can request the IRTF chair to consider to grant us the status of proposed Research Group, after which we can hold scheduled sessions at IETF meetings.
> I drafted a proposed agenda for the meeting:
> 1. Introductions
> 2. Discussion of the aim of the possible proposed RG
> 3. Discussion of research questions and directions
> 4. Discussion of draft charter text
> If you have any suggestions, comments, or additions, please let me know or add them to the pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/charterdiscussion-keep
> Looking forward to see you all at the side meeting.
> All the best,
> Niels
> PS If you cannot make it, your comments on the charter and other ideas are still very welcome in the pad and via email.
> Meeting Minutes 20/10/2022
> Present: Priyanka, Jian, Ignacio, Stephen, Colin, Niels, Bernhard
> - Name of the Proposed Research Group
> -- Does Research and Analysis of Standard-Setting Processes (RASP) Research Group suffice? Yes, in any case for now.
> - Where to meet?
> - IRTF meetings
> -- Should not end up as part of the Tools Team
> -- Relevant to be close to a research object (standard-setting, not integrated in it)
> -- Ensure we reach out to a broad enough set of people (not just the people who are already in the IETF)
> - Interim meetings co-located with other events. Some possible events are:
> - EURAS https://www.euras.org/
> - SIIT
> - IGF / GIGAnet https://www.giga-net.org/
> - ACM Webconference https://www2023.thewebconf.org/
> - ACM Internet Measurement Conference https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc
> - AAAI ICWSM https://www.icwsm.org/2023/index.html/
> - ACM SIGCHI https://chi2022.acm.org/
> - AAAI HCOMP https://www.humancomputation.com/
> - Upcoming IETF meeting
> -- Proposed Thursday, November 10, 15:30 - 16:30 (UTC + 1) - Room: Mezzanine 12 / https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/6365963924
> - What would we like to research?
> - NLP, consensus, diversity, contextual integrity vis-a-vis privacy
> - social decision-making techniques
> -- Who are taking decisions and when
> - Developing tools to inform decision making
> - How are RFCs being developed and designed, and rationale
> - Interactions between research and standards community
> - Affiliations, nationalities, inside and across standards bodies
> - What do we want to produce or get out of it?
> - Reproducible code
> - Tooling
> - Computational methods
> - Labeled data
> - Bring in other researchers
> - Improve research in general
> - Papers
> Later on:
> - Special Issue?
> - Workshop?
> - Volunteers for leadership roles?
> - Ignacio
> - Niels
> - Who are people we want to invite to give talks?
> - Justus Baron
> - Koustuv Saha https://koustuv.com/
> - Tim Pohlmann
> - Panos Delimatsis
> - Pat Langley? http://www.isle.org/langley/
> - Prashant Khare http://eecs.qmul.ac.uk/profiles/khareprashant.html
> - Tim Simcoe (BU Questrom), Dave Waguespack (U Maryland Smith)
> - Who are people we want to be part of this?
> - Panos Delimatsis
> - Michael Ackermann
> - Charter discussion
> Draft Charter Research and Analysis of Standard-Setting Processes Research Group
> Standard-setting is an influential aspect in the shaping of information societies. Research into standardization is done in a wide range of academic disciplines and a variety of methods that could benefit from learning from each others insights. At the same time the IETF, as an international Standards Developing Organization (SDO), hosts a diverse set of data including on the organization's history, development, and current standardization activities, including of Internet protocols and its institutions. A large portion of this data is publicly available, yet it is underutilized as a tool to inform the work in the IETF proper or the broader research community focused on topics like Internet governance and trends in ICT standard-setting.
> Objectives
> The Research and Analysis of the Standard-Setting Processes (RASP) Research Group aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, standards users, and standards developers around the studying of standardization processes. The research is aimed at informing the comprehension of standardization processes and policies and possibly providing tools and insight to improve them. Concretely, this will be done through the organization of working sessions as well as contributions to open source software for standards analysis. The group will also aim to produce joint reports to inform IETF and other standards-setting processes.
> Possible Research Directions
> 1. Increasing understanding of the historical development of affiliation in and across standards bodies
> 2. Analyzing the development of the make up of standard setting communities, their diversity, and the impact it has on standard-setting.
> 2.1 Study Contextual Integrity in terms of Group Behavior. Research to find out computational models of people's behavior from their perspective of privacy.
> 3. Understanding the decision making processes that lead to the production of publications.
> 3.1. Identify key people who may help provide efficient and valuable consensus on drafts, proposals, rfcs and standards.
> 4. Patents and standards: understanding the role and relationship of patents and standards and the incentives for enterprises to develop these.
> 5. Understanding the interactions between standards and research communities
> 6. Deriving quantitative metrics for the present of organizational (os opposed to individual) behavior.
> Collaborations
> RASP aims to bring together researchers that build tools to research standardization processes and thereby prevent duplication and foster collaborations. Furthermore, the RG seeks to produce results that can improve standard-setting processes for standards developers, standards users, and standards implementers based on research. RASP RG is not aiming to compare or judge the quality or functioning of standards bodies nor to be engaged in operational aspects of standards developing organizations.
Niels ten Oever, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
Affiliated Faculty - Digital Democracy Institute - Simon Fraser University
Non-Resident Fellow 2022-2023 - Center for Democracy & Technology
Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
Vice chair - Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
W: https://nielstenoever.net
E: mail at nielstenoever.net
T: @nielstenoever
P/S/WA: +31629051853
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