[Bigbang-user] R: Issue with listserv fetching (3GPP)
Niels ten Oever
mail at nielstenoever.net
Thu Apr 22 18:17:12 CEST 2021
Hi Riccardo and Christoph,
I see there might be an issue with the usage of special characters in the mailinglist URLs, to get it working I had to put a '\' in front on the '?', but this could also be fixed by using " " around the URL. However, after that fetching did not work either - so let's ask Christoph (cc).
On 22-04-2021 17:43, Riccardo Nanni wrote:
> Hi Niels,
> thanks for your answer!
> I did, and I found the changes I can see in Github (e.g. the listserv.3GPP.txt file, etc.).
> I did it again when I saw it didn't work and it says 'già aggiornato' (already updated).
> Riccardo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Da:* Bigbang-user <bigbang-user-bounces at data-activism.net> per conto di Niels ten Oever <mail at nielstenoever.net>
> *Inviato:* giovedì 22 aprile 2021 17:38
> *A:* bigbang-user at data-activism.net <bigbang-user at data-activism.net>
> *Oggetto:* Re: [Bigbang-user] Issue with listserv
> Hi Riccardo,
> This is not a very informed response - but did you first do:
> git pull
> to ensure that you have the latest version with all the recent changes?
> Best,
> Niels
> On 22-04-2021 17:31, Riccardo Nanni wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> how are you?
>> I tried to collect email from 3GPP by running these commands:
>> python bin/collect_mail.py -u https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe? <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?> <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe? <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?>>;
>> python3 bin/collect_mail.py -u https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe? <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?> <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe? <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?>>
>> AND
>> python3 bin/collect_mail.py -f examples/url_collections/listserv.3GPP.txt
>> Also tried to scrape a specific group's list with the same commands: https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=3GPP_TSG_RAN <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=3GPP_TSG_RAN> <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=3GPP_TSG_RAN <https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=3GPP_TSG_RAN>>
>> I get the following error:
>> TypeError: from_url() got an unexpected keyword argument 'instant_dump'
>> I don't understand what I'm missing. Can you help me, please?
>> Thanks a lot in advance! The only similar argument I could find on Stackoverflow has no answers...
>> Riccardo
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> --
> Niels ten Oever, PhD
> Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
> Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
> Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
> https://nielstenoever.net <https://nielstenoever.net> - mail at nielstenoever.net - @nielstenoever - +31629051853
> PGP: 2458 0B70 5C4A FD8A 9488 643A 0ED8 3F3A 468A C8B3
> Read my latest article on Internet infrastructure governance in New Media & Society here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444820929320 <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444820929320>
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Niels ten Oever, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
https://nielstenoever.net - mail at nielstenoever.net - @nielstenoever - +31629051853
PGP: 2458 0B70 5C4A FD8A 9488 643A 0ED8 3F3A 468A C8B3
Read my latest article on Internet infrastructure governance in New Media & Society here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444820929320
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