[Bigbang-user] Issue with listserv

Riccardo Nanni riccardo.nanni9 at unibo.it
Thu Apr 22 17:31:27 CEST 2021

Dear all,

how are you?
I tried to collect email from 3GPP by running these commands:
python bin/collect_mail.py -u https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?;
python3 bin/collect_mail.py -u https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?
python3 bin/collect_mail.py -f examples/url_collections/listserv.3GPP.txt

Also tried to scrape a specific group's list with the same commands: https://list.etsi.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=3GPP_TSG_RAN

I get the following error:
TypeError: from_url() got an unexpected keyword argument 'instant_dump'

I don't understand what I'm missing. Can you help me, please?
Thanks a lot in advance! The only similar argument I could find on Stackoverflow has no answers...


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