[Bigbang-user] R: welcome Riccardo
Riccardo Nanni
riccardo.nanni9 at unibo.it
Fri Feb 26 09:25:13 CET 2021
Hi Niels and Sebastian,
hi everyone,
thank you for your help. Still haven't managed to get it right, but I'm also having issues with my laptop - too old! I'll try again on my new one next week and hopefully I'll get it sorted. Keep you posted!
Da: Bigbang-user <bigbang-user-bounces at data-activism.net> per conto di Niels ten Oever <mail at nielstenoever.net>
Inviato: lunedì 22 febbraio 2021 17:02
A: bigbang-user at data-activism.net <bigbang-user at data-activism.net>
Oggetto: Re: [Bigbang-user] welcome Riccardo
Hi Riccardo,
The step:
bash conda-setup.sh
is there to execute the shell command 'conda-setup.sh'
There are different options on Windows (from what I understand from searching on the Internet).
The easiest one would be to:
sh conda-setup.sh
If that does not work, you can install Cygwin per instructions here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26522789/how-to-run-sh-on-windows-command-prompt
If you get the command:
python cannot open bin/collect_draft_metadata.py" and "python cannot open bin/collect_mail.py"
it probably means that you are executing if from the wrong directory, always make sure that you navigate to the bigbang directory when executing these commands. But you will first need to run the conda-setup.sh to gather the right packages.
Hope this helps.
On 20-02-2021 17:30, Riccardo Nanni wrote:
> Hi Niels,
> Hi everyone,
> Thank you for adding me to this list. I am really not an expert in programming etc., but hope I can provide some useful input anyway.
> As Niels mentioned, I am struggling with using Bigbang on Windows - Niels has already been very helpful to me to understand my "way around" Anaconda!
> On a potentially useful note, it seems to me that on Anaconda Windows version the command 'activate' replaces the command 'source activate'. However, I still can't manage to make the command 'bash' work. It's not there (when I input 'help', it is not among the commands it shows) and I don't understand how to add it or what to use alternatively. Furthermore, it keeps saying "python cannot open bin/collect_draft_metadata.py" and "python cannot open bin/collect_mail.py", but I don't understand if this is dependent on previous (mis)steps.
> Thanks you all for your help! As a PhD student working on 3GPP, I hope I can give you some useful input during the IETF hackathon on this point.
> Have a good weekend,
> Riccardo
> *From:* Bigbang-user <bigbang-user-bounces at data-activism.net> on behalf of Niels ten Oever <mail at nielstenoever.net>
> *Sent:* Friday, February 19, 2021 4:54:55 PM
> *To:* <bigbang-user at data-activism.net>
> *Subject:* [Bigbang-user] welcome Riccardo
> Hi all,
> We have a new subscriber, namely Riccardo Nanni who is very interested in working with BigBang for his analysis on ICANN, IETF, and 3GPP. He has already done qualitative work in the former and latter body. Riccardo is working on a Windows machine and currently working through the install process, which makes painfully how the install is not necessarily optimized for Windows machines.
> All questions welcome here Riccardo, great to have you!
> Best,
> Niels
> --
> Niels ten Oever, PhD
> Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
> Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
> Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
> W: https://nielstenoever.net <https://nielstenoever.net>
> E: mail at nielstenoever.net
> T: @nielstenoever
> P/S/WA: +31629051853
> PGP: 2458 0B70 5C4A FD8A 9488 643A 0ED8 3F3A 468A C8B3
> Read my dissertation 'Wired Norms' here: https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/50781961/Thesis.pdf <https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/50781961/Thesis.pdf>
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Niels ten Oever, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas
W: https://nielstenoever.net
E: mail at nielstenoever.net
T: @nielstenoever
P/S/WA: +31629051853
PGP: 2458 0B70 5C4A FD8A 9488 643A 0ED8 3F3A 468A C8B3
Read my dissertation 'Wired Norms' here: https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/50781961/Thesis.pdf
Bigbang-user mailing list
Bigbang-user at data-activism.net
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