[Bigbang-user] [Bigbang-dev] Starting BigBang work for Article19

Nick Doty npdoty at ischool.berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 4 15:45:43 CET 2020

This is excellent news! 

I look forward to working more on this over the coming months and would be happy to join a call. I live in the US Eastern timezone now, so you might not need to include Pacific time after all.


> On Feb 3, 2020, at 5:25 AM, Niels ten Oever <mail at nielstenoever.net> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for this Sebastian!
> Am looping in bigbang-user here as well, because would really like to hear from users as well if they have specific questions they would like to be answered, or issues they would like to see resolved. 
> Shall we put out a doodle for the meeting? The timezones might be tricky since I think we might have people participating from Bangalore to San Francisco? Or am I wrong in assuming that?
> Cheers,
> Niels
> On 1/31/20 9:05 PM, Sebastian Benthall wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm pleased to say that Article19 will be supporting some upcoming work on BigBang with the goals of:
>> 1) Extending BigBang to have better functionality for the ingest and handling of affiliation information
>> 2) Demonstrating the uses of this new functionality to researchers and activists through example notebooks
>> 3) Maintain BigBang, updating its core libraries to adhere to changing programming standards
>> I'll be doing the development legwork on this. It will involve implementing several new features, mainly around the ingest, handling, and analysis of affiliation data.
>> This has come up before as something we'd like to do.
>> I'm writing because we need to schedule a kickoff meeting with Article19, represented by Niels and possibly some others, myself, and whoever else from the BigBang community would like to weigh in.
>> Cheers,
>> Seb
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> -- 
> Niels ten Oever
> Researcher and PhD Candidate
> DATACTIVE Research Group
> University of Amsterdam
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