[Bigbang-dev] Entity recognition script in Bigbang package

Xue Li x.li3 at uva.nl
Wed Apr 6 16:32:47 CEST 2022

Hi all,

I am Effy Xue Li, a PhD candidate in INDE lab<https://indelab.org/>, supervised by Prof. Paul Groth<https://pgroth.com/>. I am also part of the project in-sight<https://in-sight.it/>. My research topic is about Knowledge Graph Construction from conversational data. The topic is in the context of standards-making process. My goal is to improve the current Information Extraction systems on conversational data such as emails.

I am writing because we have developed a tool for extracting entities and recognizing their types from email bodies within the Bigbang package.
The scripts contain two parts: one is the entity recognition script within the analysis tools in the Bigbang package; the other is a Jupyter Notebook showing examples of using the script.

I would like to ask for your opinions on if this is helpful / how can this help with the analysis that Bigbang intends to do.
I would like to also hear your feedback on what else we can do for the next steps to make a further contribution.
I have made a pull request as @Niels ten Oever<mailto:mail at nielstenoever.net> suggested. I will also join the meeting this Friday to show the use of the scripts.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback,
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