[Bigbang-dev] "Analysing the IETF" meeting
Stephen McQuistin
sm at smcquistin.uk
Mon Mar 29 13:32:31 CEST 2021
Thanks everyone for filling in the Doodle poll.
This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 6th April, at 15:30 (BST)/10:30 (EDT)/7:30 (PDT).
The Zoom link is:
https://uofglasgow.zoom.us/j/93816454796?pwd=N2tIMXI1QmhMdmhMMGdRekpNRmhNZz09 <https://uofglasgow.zoom.us/j/93816454796?pwd=N2tIMXI1QmhMdmhMMGdRekpNRmhNZz09>
I’ll send an agenda and etherpad nearer the time.
> On 24 Mar 2021, at 17:20, Stephen McQuistin <Stephen.McQuistin at glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> From discussions that took place at IETF 110 (during the hackathon, Sebastian's
> hrpc presentation, and following Nick's plenary plots), it's clear that there is
> growing interest in analysing how people participate in the IETF, and the
> related impacts on the effectiveness of the organisation.
> Given that multiple people and groups (i.e., the BigBang team, the sodestream
> project [1], and others) are working within this area, I thought that it would
> be useful to have a meeting to discuss our various research objectives, with a
> view towards identifying potential collaborations.
> I've created a Doodle poll:
> https://doodle.com/poll/i725xdu75ps92453 <https://doodle.com/poll/i725xdu75ps92453>
> I've tried to make the times and dates as friendly as possible across different
> timezones, but let me know if these options don't suit.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> [1]: https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/S033564/1 <https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/S033564/1>
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