[Bigbang-dev] Testing inductively derived working group/org categories

Niels ten Oever mail at nielstenoever.net
Wed Mar 3 11:26:44 CET 2021

Hi Seb, 

This is meaningful. It is a mix of affiliations/institutions and working groups and areas (the parts of the IETF working groups belong to). Would you like me to categorize which are which? One way to clean this up would be to take a list of all workinggroups (same names as mailinglists!) and subtract that from this corpus.

Happy to discuss!



On 02-03-2021 22:49, Sebastian Benthall wrote:
> Hello,
> As an experiment, I've tried to derive some inductive categories of working groups and organizations from the IETF data. If this works, it exposes some latent structure in how IETF is organized, in terms of the weight of certain organizations certain domains.
> The following groups of words represent concentrations or clusterings in the network of associations between organizations and working groups. I wonder if somebody more involved in the domain work could tell me if they seem meaningful at all, or just noisy.
> Huawei, mpls, ccamp, idr, AT&T, Orange, 6man, ospf, Juniper Networks, grow
> Google, dnsop, art, tls, ntp, VeriSign, Inc., lamps, oauth, dprive, kitten
> Nokia, Ericsson, ops, tsv, roll, core, geopriv, ace, 6lo, mboned
> app, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Apple Inc., Isode Ltd, fax, homenet, sieve, dkim, extra
> Cisco Systems, Alcatel-Lucent, cfrg, pwe3, snmpv3, sacm, ipfix, alto, uta, radius
> sec, pkix, smime, rai, RSA Laboratories, httpbis, VPN Consortium, ipsec, appsawg, Axway
> avt, mmusic, avtcore, payload, sipping, idmr, simple, stir, RTFM, Inc., NTT
> icnrg, nwcrg, mptcp, lisp, 6tisch, University of Cambridge, manet, INRIA, gaia, nsis
> v6ops, int, Intel, sidr, mip6, sidrops, Unaffiliated, Toshiba, impp, teep
> tsvwg, tcpm, nfsv4, diffserv, University of Aberdeen, aqm, ipdvb, csi, rddp, rserpool
> iab, trill, secsh, rtg, forces, dtnrg, Harvard University, isms, SPARTA, Inc., Trinity College Dublin
> Independent, ecrit, ipp, Nortel Networks, magma, tictoc, entmib, mediactrl, Avaya, Hewlett-Packard
> Microsoft, ipsecme, IBM, dnsext, intarea, hip, Dell EMC, storm, USC/ISI, btns
> gen, sipcore, sip, Neustar, straw, Tekelec, SJD, Georgetown University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Quobis
> http, University of Tennessee, Netscape, 822ext, find, Xerox Corporation, Equinix, CERNET Center/Tsinghua, behave, asid
> - Seb
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Niels ten Oever, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher - Media Studies Department - University of Amsterdam
Research Fellow - Centre for Internet and Human Rights - European University Viadrina
Associated Scholar - Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade - Fundação Getúlio Vargas

https://nielstenoever.net - mail at nielstenoever.net - @nielstenoever - +31629051853
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Read my latest article on Internet infrastructure governance in New Media & Society here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444820929320

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